
Thursday 4 October 2012



Love is an emotion of a strong affection and personal attachment. Love is also said to be representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection

Scientists highlight the mental and physical clues that tell us we're in love.
Your heart beats faster. You can hear your blood pulsing in your veins. Every time he even looks at you, you feel a burst of energy. You Catch Yourself Staring.

 They say that the eyes are what matters most. When you're in love, you involuntarily cannot keep your eyes off, the object of your affection. Humans naturally find eye contact rewarding. Not only that, but we're physically compelled to pursue eye contact with our romantic interests. So how do the blind fall in love? Because believe it or not, we do! If we don’t have eye contact, what replaces that? Well, how fragranced our suitors are and how they speak.

 You Feel High when you realize you've been hyperactively talking about your new beau, you might think you've had too much caffeine. It's actually a different drug.
They say, being in love is like being high on cocaine, Many of the physical symptoms are the same: increased energy, increased heart rate and blood pressure (especially when you see the person), and the inability to sleep or eat are just a few. Feelings of euphoria also appear with cocaine use, as they do when in love. These symptoms occur because, while the brain produces dopamine on its own, it produces even more when in love. The brain also produces more of the chemical norepinephrine when we're in love, speeding up the heart when we're nervous, as we might be upon seeing our loved one..

We Can't Keep our Hands Off Each  Other when we're in love, our bodies will subconsciously lean toward each other, a physical manifestation of the brain's desire for emotional closeness.

 You Can't Stop Thinking About Him...With the increased dopamine levels of romantic love, people think about their romantic interests, on average, 85 percent of the day. This is known as "intrusive thinking."

studies have shown that people in relationships live longer; they also tend to be healthier and have a greater sense of well-being. Supposing one of them have not finished off the other in the meanwhile?

Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it), the heightened emotions and general euphoria brought on by romantic love, are said to eventually fade.
The first stages are regarded not to last as it would be too intense.. Even the most intense romantic love is said not to last  more than six months." But don't worry. As feelings of intense romantic love wane, feelings of attachment develop and that's what keeps people together for the long run. But that is scientific studies, in real life, I know people who have been together for years and their fires are still burning!

So what is the difference between Love and Lust?

? Lust is an altered state of consciousness programmed by the primal urge to procreate and is a an emotion or feeling of intense uncontrolled or illicit sexual desire  in the body.

Often confused with love, it is purely physical attraction and has no lasting effect.

So who has the most fun, those in love, or those who find lust?

Love is forever and in my opinion, if you can conflate love with lust, you have it perfect.

Lust can be the best feeling in the world, if it is reciprocated. But when it leaves your life? You come down with a bump.

I simply love these quotations from the writer Jerod Kinzt. See what you think?

 “She looked like the kind of woman I could fall in love with. Trouble is, she was standing next to the kind of woman I’d like to make love to.


“When I saw you, I saw love. When I saw you naked, I saw lust. When I saw you with my clone in a dream, I saw the future.” A little scientific today friends, but lighter topics to  follow and if you are interested, I will write a sequel to Facing the darkness my blog on the day I woke without sight.  
Until later and hope your all loved up?

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