
Monday 8 July 2013


It’s here at last, the blog my Husband wanted to tell us about, so over to him.

At a conference here in America, we, the audience, waited with bated breath, as one of the speakers stood up to talk and deliver her speech. What we were about to hear, certainly made us smile, gasp, and cringe at the thought of her daily life, but most of all, made us proud. Proud to think that someone like her, like us, can do such a job.

A most unusual job!

 As the hall fell silent, this is what she said.

 "I have never shaved a man before, strange as that
might seem. I soon learnt that long slow strokes are the most

Now then, could you do this for me? I learned this too.

 "Take your index finger and place at the top of your nose,
then place your thumb under your nose. Slide your fingers to the right
or left and the distance between the top and bottom of your ear should
be the same as this measurement for your nose.

 "I won't describe some surgical procedures, we have all just had our lunch, but the only way
you can really tell the difference between a vein and artery is the vein
is colder." I asked my teacher, how close can I get to the person and he
replied, probably closer than you want to..."

Can you guess what job this person is doing?

 A doctor of some sort?
Something else in the medical profession?
 Well, how about an embalmer
and how about this being the first blind person to do such a job. She
qualified some 7 years ago and has been working in this profession for
6.5 years now, quite incredible and an amazing example of what people
can do irrespective of their disability.

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