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Wednesday, 31 July 2013
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
I was born for a reason
To give the blind freedom
I had no choice in the matter
These four paws pitta patta
Guiding my owner
Whose name is Fiona
At first she was a stranger
Then a friend
I kept her safe from danger
Getting her from A to B
I know she can’t see
She’s now my family
Ile love her till the end
When I was ten
They said it was time
For me to retire
The end of the line
My owner did cry
As for years I was her eyes
Just because I can’t walk good today
She didn’t throw me away
She said I could stay
Keep my own bed
And cuddly toys
And stay with my big brother
Who’s now a man
I first met when a boy
Sometimes I feel bad
But get love from my Dad
It’s my hips you see
They don’t belong to me
As my brain want’s to run
And have so much fun
But my body can’t anymore
Some days I just lay on the floor
As my joints get sore
I’m an old Labrador
But like I said before
I am the lucky one
As I got to stay
With my loving family
Till the end of my day
Good evening. This morning went as planned. We took Wagga
and BB on the field. Waggatail decided to go off and play with a little boy and
his ball. She is ball obsessed. Nothing will bring her back, any biscuits or
toys with squeaks and bells. Nothing will distract her from a ball.
Oh I was so worried in case she burst the child’s ball. Thank
God she didn’t.
When you go for a walk with our dogs, you really have been
through a workout by the time you get home. My left arm, is an inch longer than
my right?
Then when we arrived home, LC, decided to let us know, we
left her behind. She was a pain. I think Dean, our Canary, Irish you know. Also
protested. He sang top of his voice. As though a brattish child, being really
So Arty off to the US now on holiday. She needs a break,
having just lost her Uncle and Father in Law.
No way I could take Wagga on a free run, as if she was to
run off, I would never get her back. So thank God guide dogs was able to find
Then to the vet’s with
BB and LC. OMG? A huge bus pulled up for us, well, OK, it was a mini
bus. Rather lovely it was, except, the driver didn’t know how to speak English?
That was just mad. He through broken English, tried to ask where we were going.
When he kind of understood us, he then drove us there in the afterwork traffic.
Hub started something. He asked the driver through some kind of microphone, if
there was a window in the back, as the dogs were doing their impression of
steam trains and I was absolutely boiling.
Well, you know when you start something you just can’t
The driver didn’t know what Hub was asking, but we ended up
knowing that there were no handles on the doors for the windows. There were
three buttons for lights, an odd contraption for the door to open and speakers,
no window winders.
Well, we got to the vets. It didn’t seem familiar. I asked the
driver if he could show us where the door was?
He didn’t know what we were saying, after another minute, he
kind of guessed then he tried to walk us into a blooming window.
I said to Hub, you know you should not be allowed a job with
the public if you can’t talk English?
If you need to get somewhere and the driver doesn’t
understand what you are saying, it’s a little on the mad side.
We got there and saw the lovely vet. He was as camp as
Christmas and absolutely adorable. He was so lovely to the dogs.
We got back home with another driver.
Good day, I am ready to go out with Arty. We are going for a
walk with the beasty girls. I hope it is not muddy with the rain? Arty, is away
for two weeks though, so their last chance to run for freedom. I really enjoyed
my night out with our friends Flexi and Rich. They are sweet and fun people.
Flexi and I didn’t get chance to have our girly chat, but sure we will do that
over a coffee when she gets back from her holiday in Vietnam. She and I put the
world to right but when the men are around, it’s fun chat only.
Oh the food was divine. Absolutely delicious. So fresh. The
staff there wear traditional clothing and you can taste the fresh spices. I
love it. And the company was terrific too.
Teen home tonight. We are off to the vet’s with Black beauty
and Long Chops.
Just their normal needles, but shush, don’t tell them!
An exhausting morning of delivery’s. First eight o clock, parcel
number one. Then some cane screening for the fence in the garden. Then box
number one of dog food, then Arty noticed a postcard pushed through the front
door. A delivery of LC’s dog food came at half seven. As ever Parcel force,
hadn’t bothered to knock. They drive me mad, they know it is dog food from
guide dogs, and yet they put a card with print through the door, saying where
they have left the dog food worth almost £100. It has been left in the street,
next to our garage, in a bin. This time next to our gate. Really, they should
knock. They have no patients.
Our neighbour is coming around later. The nice guy who cuts
our grass. I think he is coming to talk business with Hub. I shall put on the
kettle. Ha.
My teen left on Saturday, I told him, to wash his uniform
for work. He said he would, he wanted to hand wash it, so it didn’t shrink… Our
drier has been a little on the naughty side of late. Rather hungry and enjoys
our fabrics for lunch, so some of the clothes, have been coming out a bit
smaller than they went in.
Well he hand washed some things, put them on the airer out
on the patio and put his other clothes in the drier. Then left. So, the rain
came, Hub ran to get in his clothes, then went into the garage to turn off the
drier with teens clothes in, then last night on the floor, I found teens
Bone dry.
So I have washed that now. Oh, the clothes in the drier, he
was meant to take with him. He left.
Anyway, all sorted now. I hope he has had a great time, sure
he will have done.
Daddy Bun is really kind. I am in debt to him and feel
really bad, about how much time teen spends with him.
Chat more later and I shall tell you about our trip to the
vet’s and my walk with Arty. With love.
Monday, 29 July 2013
Happy Monday to you all. I know a lot of people don’t like Mondays?
I, don’t like Monday’s was a song by the group Boomtown Rats, during the summer
of 1979 and was in our charts at Number one, for four weeks.
Monday means Moons day. The word comes from the Anglo Saxon
Today is sunny here,
with the best fresh air at last. Out of my front window anyway, the back is
Tonight I am going out with Hub, and our friends Flexi, and her Husband, our Funny Welsh friend.
We are going to a fantastic Indian Restaurant.
Teen still at Bunches will be till tomorrow. I think he is
going to her Dads tonight? He really gets on with her family, and this is
lovely for him.
It's Daddy Buns birthday soon, so I hope Teen treats him to
something nice, as he has been so kind to my Son.
OK, forget the lovely weather? I can hear it raining now, I
have had to run around and close the windows. The rain drops I think come from
a nearby golf course? They are golf balls. Enormous?
Well just what the garden asked for.
Through the night, I have never heard anything quite like
The birds? Really, the night/dawn sky was full of every
bird. Seagulls, Geese and beautiful blackbirds as well as bird’s one perhaps
should have to get her bird book out to read up on? If she had one?
They came from a cage, caught by the local freedom for bird’s
society, well, that is what it seemed like?
As they all came together, flew over our house about half
four this morning.
It was as though their weather man, had told them, there was
a storm brewing?
Well obviously in birdy land, the weather forecast isn't
half as accurate as humans, as technology hasn't took to the birdie world yet, as
were about eight hours too early. Oh talking about amazing creatures?
"We weren't?
Oh well, we will now. Did you hear about my favourite
animals and the latest studies on their brains?
Research has shown that Elephants now, have learned that if
they steal food from farms, and I'm not talking homemade bread and cheese, but,
vegetable produce from the fields? Well, they pinch it when the moon is small.
As in a full moon, they can be seen more clearly, so have more chance to be
How beautiful and amazing are Elephants? I simply love them
as my huge collection of elephants in my house, will prove. I think I have
about thirty now? And a large one my Hub bought me for my birthday, in my
garden. OK, time for housework now. Yawn? I guess there is a little cooler
breaze and its not so hot, so there is an ironing board with my name on it. Later
Gators. x
Sunday, 28 July 2013
I hope you have had a great day? Hub and I have had a lovely
day together where we belong. We are so great together, we have had a simple
day, of housework and cooking, I am his Manager. Haha. I tell him what needs
doing and he does it. Whilst he is doing that I get on with something else.
Same in the kitchen when we are cooking, we complement each other so much. I
just love talking and relaxing with him. I really miss my boy though. So much.
I hope him and Bunches are having fun. I have tried phoning him, to ask how he
is but no answer as ever.
Hub now is watching top gear? Oh it is the most awful show?
I just think of all the pollution in the environment?
Spoke to my American family yesterday that was nice. She is
going with her sister, who is a lovely person, whom I miss so much, to Mexico
for a month.
My DD, English Dad living in the US, is staying at home.
I’m sure Mexico will be great, they have been many times
before and the colours and people as well as the cream cakes, sound amazing?
The heat is really getting to our dogs now. They are not the
We have had rain but nowhere near enough.
The show Hub is watching has a car on it, Lamborghini. It is
valued at £2000,000
How obscene?
This is what I mean about that show. It’s too pretentious.
Since I started writing this, teen has been on the phone.
Had a lovely day been to the cinema and now eating Fish & Chips? I love him
so much, I pray he will go back to being close to me like he used to be? I was
so proud that we had an amazing relationship.
Getting excited about going away for a couple of days with
Hub soon. Love time with him. I have just given him an enormous dish of cheese
cake? Hahaha. If he finishes that, I will eat my skirt.
Can’t say hat anymore, as don’t own one.
Going to watch a great drama, we have been following for
some weeks. We love it. It is called The White Queen. All about Queen Elizabeth
an war of the roses.
I have tried to contact my wonderful painter for a week, no
answer. Nightmare, as I found a painter, who I could trust to do a great job. I
also am trying to call the gardener my friend Flexi gave me, again no answer.
Take care talk later. xx
I wanted to share a surreal situation Hub and I experienced yesterday
whilst shopping at our pastry shop. I waited outside for my Husband to buy some
items, as the shop is tiny.
This is how his conversation went.
Hub, Could I have a minted lamb pasty please?
Shop keeper, “Sorry we don’t sell minted lamb!”
“You don’t? I have had them from here every time!”
“We only sell lamb with mint!”
“So, minted lamb?”
“No, lamb with mint.”
“Ok, I will have one of those please?”
He got home, and went to eat his minted lamb or lamb with
mint pasty, and guess what?
It was a cheese pasty… Hahahahahaha.
My Son tells me funny stories about perspective from his
point of view, behind the counter selling. He says he gets the same stories
every day and he has to laugh at all of them, as each customer, thinks they are
the first person to crack that joke, and thinks they are so funny.
Saturday, 27 July 2013
I hear the raindrops falling
The garden is calling
Stretching up to the life line
Relief from the heat of summertime
The smell of the rain is stunning
Fresh water running
I sit under a roof of glass
Inhaling the wet grass
The constant sounds
Of water which pounds
Like a crowd
Happy clapping
It’s so loud
An yet pleasant
It’s a gift
A beautiful present
The moon shines down
With a frown
It’s a crescent
His glow reflects shadows
Down on the shiny paths
The glisten from the meadows
Birds have their baths
Cars their wheels splash
People dash
Damp wood
Smells so good
Distant thunder rumbles
Night blanket grumbles
Trees where teardrops
Drooping shrubs flop
Silver foil like crystals form
Grieving for the summer storm
A beautiful fresh breaze
Blows thirsty petals seeds
That is where nature lives on again
Thanks to the needed summer rain
Good day to you all.
Wow, what a lovely day? We woke early this morning to get into town, before the
tourists woke up. Went to the bank and once again, they could not do what we
wanted them to do. Too busy in raising money for charity hanging balloons up
We went to our normal shop and Hub went in, I waited outside
and he was blooming ages?
I heard a voice miles away, well, OK, about forty seconds
away from the door Hub went in, exactly like my Husbands. Same accent, same
voice, same laugh.
It was too blooming weird?
Then I heard puppy paws. It was our LC, saying
“Daddy, for goodness sake, Mummy is over here?
Ha, there were two doors in our shop. Hub went in the one he
always uses didn’t know until today, there were two doors, so he came out of
another one by mistake.
Then we went to our pasty shop. Yum.
Hub went in there too? Only one door there. Then we went for lunch.
Oh it was great. We sat outside an enjoyed the gentle breaze, which provided
some relief from the mid day sun.
It was a kind of a court yard. There were steps everywhere.
Going down to a cellar, up to the roof where the bins were and up a few to the
inside part of the café.
It’s a French shop, but they have stopped selling French
cider and French wine, swapped the French wine, for Italian, and cider for
English cider.
So where is the authenticity?
But it was really lovely.
Then time to come home.
I just hold on for life, to my Hub and let him take over. He
is amazing. I am dizzy with disorientation. Hub and LC, weaves in and out of
the cobbled streets and through the narrow alley ways.
We caught our bus; it came in a minute of waiting. The
people as ever, were so very friendly, telling us, it was our number. Hubs IPhone
got us back.
With the help of the bus driver of course? Haha.
Came home, had a pleasant afternoon with Teen, as he only
did half a day, as for the second week, they at work, messed his pay up, so let
him come home and will pay him for not working, to make up for the missing
Now he has left for Bunches. He is meeting with her at the
train station. I bet he has butterflies jumping and flying around
He is staying with her and Sister Bun tonight and tomorrow,
going to Daddy Buns. Teen will love that, as he really likes being with the
He has been lovely today and yesterday. Like having my Son back thank God.
Though it is sunny and hot here, rain is to come. In the
south it is to be quite dangerous.
Oh, it’s awful what is happening in Egypt? Such a shame.
As I have said before, the world is going mad.
So a peaceful weekend with Hub, and I hope Teen and Bunches,
have a lovely time? Miss him though, but love being with Hub too.
Friday, 26 July 2013
Fifi hugs
My blind husband has just took his IPhone outside to see if
my garden lights are on, I put a string of them around a metal arch I have for
my roses to grow up. They are blue lights. Not only could his application on
his phone tell him they were on, but told him they were chasing? In other words
turning on and off, as though to flash?
Amazing technology?
It’s the pumpkin hour must dash to try to sleep, as have to
be up when the larks sing. We are going to the bank and have to be on the half
eight bus into town, as in the summer in our town, it is full of tourists, not
watching where they are going, too busy looking at the buildings?
I’ sure we will have a laugh tomorrow in the town, I can’t
go anywhere without something happening? Haha. With love until tomorrow. Big
Fifi hugs. x
Today is my friends birthday. She lives in Moscow and I would like to wish her a wonderful day. Missing you and come over soon?
A cyber cake
Is on it’s way
From me to you
Make a wish
Watch it come true
We have been friends forever
I just want today for us to be together
It’s your special day
Sending lots of hugs
your way
Can you close your eyes
Look at your surprise?
I have given you the finest jewel
Made a birthday cake
It’s delicious just don’t drool?
Look at the pretty candles
Blow them out
Eat with a cup of tea
Poured from a golden spout
A china cup with two silver handles
As it will be so heavy and full
Of fine amber liquid
A spoon for ruby sugar lumps
May everything you wish for
Come up trumps
All your heart desires
Gifts of beautiful sapphires
Songs from angelic quires
Bands play your favourite tune
Catch your birthday balloon
I pray to see you very soon
Before my words come to the end
I want to say
Happy birthday dearest friend
There are some beautiful quotations online out there in
cyber world, but all which have the power to be able to touch our hearts. My
favourite quotes come from Aarti
Khurana, a study I must frequent more oftern. Giving not only my heart and
soul, but brain some positive knowledge.
I can’t explain love; it’s
something far too amazing to be explained. It’s indescribable. It’s waking up
in the morning, looking over at them and feeling lucky to have them. It’s the
person you think of during those sad mushy love songs. It’s whoever changes
your life for the better. It’s whoever makes you feel safe when they hold you.
It’s your best friend and your soul mate. It’s the person who makes you howl
with laughter when you don’t even want to smile.
don’t always have to fall in love to experience true love. You can have a
friend, who will tick all these boxes. A soul mate.
mates just happen and it is one of the most beautiful, sacred, and unique and
fulfilling relationship you can be in. A thousand jigsaw pieces will fall into
place when you unite with your soul mate. Soul mate relationship is an eternal
bond of two souls connected to each other with strings of divinity to cherish
eternal joy and bliss. It is a journey of two people who were paired up in heaven
to unite in an eternal and timeless bond for an entire lifetime. When two soul
mates are destined to meet, nothing in this world can keep them apart from each
other. They will meet somewhere, some place and somehow, no matter what
circumstances they are in . When the right time comes the universe gathers
together and soul mates are drawn to each other in the most magical way. They
fall in love with each other’s existence the moment they lay their eyes on each
other looking beyond each other’s imperfections and flaws.
last quotation was from the great
Do you have a soul mate?
Well, it’s not mid day yet and it has been one of those surreal
days already?
First we woke by the sounds of the recycle bins being
collected. You know we had our street party? So lots of glass bottles? You know
I don’t really drink alcohol? I drank a full bottle to myself that night so was
rather on the tipsy side? What you may not know, I can’t remember if I told
you, but when we were coming home from the Doctors the other day, a neighbour
who was not at the party stopped us to
chat, he said he had heard that I had
got “Drunk?”
OMG? I bet there were people there who were in a right
state, or who had drank more than me? I was mortified, in fact my mort has
never been so fied?
So Hub thought it would be fun to say today as the glass
bins were being emptied,
“Oh, wait until they come to our bin? What will the neighbours
say?” Well, there were a few bottles of cider in there, empty of course, as two
weeks ago; I bought three bottles of the fluid, ha. There were pickle jars and
other food jars. So our bin did make a bit of a clatter. I died with shame.
Oh but when it came to the house where the main bottles went
in, hahahaha. You should have heard it? What will the bin men think?
“What a problem street?”
Then I went to order dog food for my big beastie girl Long
Chops. I phoned up direct inquiries and asked for the number. I said the name
of the company, followed by pet products.
He asked, was it the joinery number I wanted?
I said no, it’s dog food.
He said
“Oh here it is for you. Do you want the main number for the
joiner, or the wood shop number?”
I said no, it’s a company that sells only dog food.
Needless to say, I just put the phone down.
I called guide dogs and they kindly gave me the number.
When I got through to them, I was asked was my dog “Ralph?
I laughed and said no, she is a girl. They had my address,
name, ect, but were rather insistent that it was Ralph?
Ralph? Who the heckers is Ralph? Hahahahaha
She said, I don’t understand, we have Ralph but then half
way through, we have LC?
So, has our dog had her bits and bobs dealt with in the
Do I say good girl? Or good boy now?
Right, going to wake the living dead, Teen Blogget, see if
he has his happy head on today? Only one day before his love is home, so here’s
hoping? x
Thursday, 25 July 2013
Hi, hot night. Hub home. Huffing Teen over it. Hearing still
bad. Haha! Where would we be without the letter H?
Hubs daughters also behaved badly today, so it’s in the air?
Listening to the news tonight, I feel sad for the people in the train crash in
Spain. My heart goes out to them. So many, too many, natural disasters this
year with transport? Last year it was the weather. What will next year be?
I wish peace and love?
Why has a pill not been invented yet, to make people loving
and caring?
I can’t talk; it got rather heated with teen and myself
before. I just can’t understand two things. One, how much he has changed and
two how someone so kind, could love someone so hard? I really wished Bunches
and I could have got on? I just want a happy family and the way Hub and I have
been made to feel over the past six months is just too cruel.
I spoke to Mummy Bun on the phone, and she seemed really
nice, I’m sure she is, she certainly is to Teen, but think she thinks like
Bunches that they are so much better than us?
As I have said before, my Husband has A’s for all of his
exams at school then went onto University. He had a fantastic education and
speaks beautiful English. He received the highest results at University so the
only thing can be left is his eyes not working. As for me, OK, they might not
want to know us because of me? I have A’s but just at GCSE’s. No university and
I don’t talk perfect English, I’m a Geordie, and proud of it. I have originality,
not cloned to talk in a certain way. I am real. I have a heart and overflowing
with love. Bunches is really missing out. Her Mum is moving away and leaving
her at a boarding school come September. Bunches could have had a home here,
somewhere to go if she was home sick, if Teen had not made enemies of us.
Oh well, such is life. My x has been stirring trouble again
sadly, but you know what? I’m no longer afraid of him, he can’t hurt me anymore
and Teen is big enough to fend for himself, not that my x will ever hurt teen
now. He picks on the vulnerable.
Missing my bf, as he is a busy bee these days fixing his
house. Spoke to him for our normal session last week, but it seems like a
forever away.
I have joined a group online, meeting new people around the
world. I can’t believe, how absolutely amazing some of the people are? It’s
interesting to watch, already there are clicks and I am for sure to blame on
this. I have my favourite friends on there, but try to interact with others
too, as I hate leaving people out? Some of the people I really feel like I will
know all my life.
About six/seven people are really adorable. It’s so
interesting to learn of their different cultures. People from abroad, are so
much kinder and warmer than us in the UK? Though a few of the friends from the group
are from the UK and are really nice.
We chatted about all meeting up one day. That would be so
sweet to see these empty faces in real life?
Oh here I am writing again, sitting here being lazy and my
poor Husband is going mad. He has been in London all day and has just emptied
the dishwasher, filled it again and now putting out the bins, going absolutely mad,
as Teen just gets off his chair and goes to bed. He can see the kitchen but chooses
not to do anything to it.
Need some tips from Mummy Bun, as Bunches never does that at
her house? She works hard and bless her, even when she is here; she always asks
if she can help?
Oh, I don’t want to go up to bed, as I have a dreadful
feeling, Hub will continue the anger towards Teen. I can’t stay chatting here,
as already feel bad about him having to do my work. Where do I go?
WHY AND HOW By Fiona Cummings
Why and how
By Fiona Cummings
The pain is too much
I can’t take anymore
People ask why and how
I do not walk out of the door
Answer is simple
I have lost all I had
Lessons of cruelty
And treatments so bad
My heart has been shredded
When I was created
I was already broken
My teacher has spoken
Giving lectures on choking
How bony fingers become tighter
Heavy breathing gets lighter
Closer to the fire
On an iron spike
Roasting flesh
The devil does like
Gouged out eyes
Eaten by flies
Trampled on by studded boots
Buried under old roots
Forgotten and flung
On a map a crumb
Life goes on
For everyone
My soul just watches from a far
Perched up high
On a shiny star
Clouds are my blankets
For comfort now
So people can’t wonder
Why, and how
Here I sit outside, the sun is really hot, an yet there is
relief coming from the warm wind and some cool rain drops are falling, but one
every half a minute? My Wagga lays by my feet and I am here chilling after
stupidly flying off the handle with my teen.
So Hub went to the capital today and teen went to work. I
knew he would be tired, as he was talking to his girl Bunches till after one
this morning after doing a very long shift at work. Of course he wanted to talk
to her, he misses and loves her, but I knew he had less than five hours sleep and
needed to work today, so I asked him to come off the phone? Of course again,
not a popular Mum, but I was right, as
he only managed three hours, before he came home.
Well, I let him relax for a few hours, and then asked if he
would help me to construct our garden heater?
I always have good intentions when doing something with
Teen, but it always ends in disaster.
Well, let me just say, he has stormed in the house, my
heater is half made and there are plastic bags all over the garden as well as
the instructions and tools out of the garage. Now I am going to have to try to
find them all.
Why? Because I as I said, flew off the handle. Why?
I’m really hurt. Deep to the heart and stomach. You know
when I first met Bunches; I was so pleased to have a sweet little girl in the
family. I wanted to love her as my daughter and welcome her. Teen made this
impossible as every time he visits her, he comes back a child from hell. He swears
at me and puts me down just like his father did. Telling me how useless I am
hopeless and more. This week Bunches has been on holiday, he has been perfect.
Until today.
I found out, that when teen went to the races, it was a big
family day.
There was Daddy Bun, his girlfriend, Mummy Bun her
boyfriend, Sister Bun her boyfriend Teen and Bunches as well as Sister Buns
All parents but us. The two who cannot be seen or spoken to,
be seen out with and treat to be honest like freaks.
I’m absolutely hurt. I wouldn’t’ care, if we had been asked,
we would have said no. But to find out, we were deliberately not asked, well.
That is me through
It’s a dreadful thing when we are made out to be so
unwelcome. I just wish kids today had a little more heart, but I guess how can
they, when the adults around them haven’t. I really am finished.
I do believe what goes around comes around though.
I’ve decided what colour I am having for our sitting room. Cream,
gold and light red. Yep, it had to be in there somewhere?
Later gators. x
Here I sit outside, the sun is really hot, an yet there is
relief coming from the warm wind and some cool rain drops are falling, but one
every half a minute? My Wagga lays by my feet and I am here chilling after
stupidly flying off the handle with my teen.
So Hub went to the capital today and teen went to work. I
knew he would be tired, as he was talking to his girl Bunches till after one
this morning after doing a very long shift at work. Of course he wanted to talk
to her, he misses and loves her, but I knew he had less than five hours sleep and
needed to work today, so I asked him to come off the phone? Of course again,
not a popular Mum, but I was right, as
he only managed three hours, before he came home.
Well, I let him relax for a few hours, and then asked if he
would help me to construct our garden heater?
I always have good intentions when doing something with
Teen, but it always ends in disaster.
Well, let me just say, he has stormed in the house, my
heater is half made and there are plastic bags all over the garden as well as
the instructions and tools out of the garage. Now I am going to have to try to
find them all.
Why? Because I as I said, flew off the handle. Why?
I’m really hurt. Deep to the heart and stomach. You know
when I first met Bunches; I was so pleased to have a sweet little girl in the
family. I wanted to love her as my daughter and welcome her. Teen made this
impossible as every time he visits her, he comes back a child from hell. He swears
at me and puts me down just like his father did. Telling me how useless I am
hopeless and more. This week Bunches has been on holiday, he has been perfect.
Until today.
I found out, that when teen went to the races, it was a big
family day.
There was Daddy Bun, his girlfriend, Mummy Bun her
boyfriend, Sister Bun her boyfriend Teen and Bunches as well as Sister Buns
All parents but us. The two who cannot be seen or spoken to,
be seen out with and treat to be honest like freaks.
I’m absolutely hurt. I wouldn’t’ care, if we had been asked,
we would have said no. But to find out, we were deliberately not asked, well.
That is me through
It’s a dreadful thing when we are made out to be so
unwelcome. I just wish kids today had a little more heart, but I guess how can
they, when the adults around them haven’t. I really am finished.
I do believe what goes around comes around though.
I’ve decided what colour I am having for our sitting room. Cream,
gold and light red. Yep, it had to be in there somewhere?
Later gators. x
I must go to bed as it’s about three in the morning. My Son
has to be up in three hours for another very long day at work and my Husband
ten minutes after that, for a long day in London. I shall make them breakfast
before work and then go back to bed. My favourite time to sleep, when everyone
else, is getting up.
I wonder you know, if my sleep pattern stems from boarding
school? The dread and fear of the horrid so called house mother, who used to
come in every morning just after seven to screech our names, to wake us from
our sleep.
I just hated those words. “Good morning girls.
Our first house Mother at our first school was a real
dragon. A sinister person. I wrote about her when we met her after many years?
My Husband was really funny with her…
My second boarding school, she was not so nasty. An old
lady, who had a heart, just it was clothed in ice. The first dragon person,
used to say our names and we had to answer individually, the second, just used
to shout Good morning girls, and we all collectively had to respond. God help
us if we weren’t cheerful?
So now, as psychologists would say, I go to bed when I
wasn’t allowed as a child. So it’s kind of a rebellious moment.
I’ve never thought about it until now.
I’m kind of sticking
the two fingers up at my old society.
Well, as I said, Teen worked yesterday from mid day, till
half past ten at night. So ten and a half hours.
Today, he starts at seven this morning and finishes at half
five tea time.
He has worked every day since his girl Bunches has been
Right, now then loads to chat about today.
First I went out with my friend Beany. Oh we always have a
lovely time. We are just so at ease with each other. We went furniture hunting.
We tried out all of the sofas, the ones which lay back. Some of them were
really odd and my friend laughed when I said
“Oh no, I don’t like that one, it’s a nana sofa.
Oh it was though. Really like what my Nana used to own.
Then she said, I had to try the purple one?
It was a round sofa, which lay backwards. Oh incredibly
comfortable, but where would we put such a thing? You could not put it in your
lounge, as the shape of it belongs in a huge room, right in the middle of it.
Also, because it would not sit upright, your guests would be on their backs as
they spoke to you over a coffee? Hahaha.
Oh but the coffee tables, they were amazing. Beany said she
would come back, with Hub and myself.
Gosh, what a difference in her car? I mean, for us to go, on
the bus it would be two busses and so much stress and waiting? It would take
for a ten minute drive, about an hour at least to get there by bus.
I looked at some wall paper too. And I bought a garden
heater. Beany and I sat on a garden swing and were like a couple of school
girls giggling away as we swung.
The sofa we can afford is black. I wanted a colour, but I
guess with three beasty girls in black, that would be a sensible colour?
Came back and Hub had the dogs ready to rush to the doctors
with me.
I told you about my blocked ear?
Well the Doctor said my left ear was incredibly blocked and
my right 90% blocked. So needing to see, and to see, I need to hear. I was in
the room about fifty seconds.
She told me I would have to wait up to six weeks to get
fixed? How ridiculous is that? At my old doctors, ten days, she did say she
would try her best to prioritise me, but still would be some weeks and still
could, be six. Then I would have to go to the hospital as they don’t do it at
our surgery. Mad, with a capital M!
We left there and I’m delighted to say, my Wagga was
perfect. I knew we would have trouble bringing her home, but going there, was absolutely
wonderful, if we forget the fact I misjudged a step and she didn’t stop, as she
only stops when I tell her to.
Hub and I found ourselves suffering from that disease,
“can’t go past!
Can’t go past our local Chinese restaurant. So we did lunch
and it was wonderful.
We had a light tea and enjoyed our company of each other,
though my Husband worked till after six, to make up for the hour he took out at
lunch time. Even though he is entitled to a lunch break, he never takes more
than fifteen minutes normally. He works from home, but is very strict about his
So now to decide what colour I am having our lounge and what
to do with the walls. Paint them all, or paper. Or paper one wall, and paint
the rest? In what colour I wonder?
I’m obsessed by red as you older Bloggets may know.
Later with love.
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
For all of our land
By Fiona Cummings
I sit here on a wooden bench
Which has seen better
Peeping over the rickety fence
Across the way
Jagged blades of green
Frames this beautiful sceen
Leaves of gold
On branches so bold
Gently blow
Whispering secrets told
Of times gone by
A historical sigh
Who chose to live or die
To smile or cry
What the old oaks have witnessed
Before their rooted eye
Oh I love the images
Of the sunlit powder sky
Floating clouds go by
Being pushed by doves dressed in white
This is an incredible sight
Beneath the amber ball
It’s the sun which looks so small
And it heats the nation
Though such a far destination
Yes this is my passion
To take my brushes
And feel the calm
No one rushes
Here is such a charm
I see a distant farm
With a dozen lambs
No sights of thrown away paper
Or disused cans
Just perfect pictures
Wildlife with its creatures
Deer so close
I can see their features
Such trust they show me
They are my teachers
The silver lake
Ripples to show its awake
And in the centre
Is a familiar letter
Heading to me full on
It’s a beautiful swan
Majestically floating
On an ice like pond
Punters go boating
The falling logs are floating
As wild flowers wave their hand
How lucky we are
For all of our land
For all of our land
By Fiona Cummings
I sit here on a wooden bench
Which has seen better
Peeping over the rickety fence
Across the way
Jagged blades of green
Frames this beautiful sceen
Leaves of gold
On branches so bold
Gently blow
Whispering secrets told
Of times gone by
A historical sigh
Who chose to live or die
To smile or cry
What the old oaks have witnessed
Before their rooted eye
Oh I love the images
Of the sunlit powder sky
Floating clouds go by
Being pushed by doves dressed in white
This is an incredible sight
Beneath the amber ball
It’s the sun which looks so small
And it heats the nation
Though such a far destination
Yes this is my passion
To take my brushes
And feel the calm
No one rushes
Here is such a charm
I see a distant farm
With a dozen lambs
No sights of thrown away paper
Or disused cans
Just perfect pictures
Wildlife with its creatures
Deer so close
I can see their features
Such trust they show me
They are my teachers
The silver lake
Ripples to show its awake
And in the centre
Is a familiar letter
Heading to me full on
It’s a beautiful swan
Majestically floating
On an ice like pond
Punters go boating
The falling logs are floating
As wild flowers wave their hand
How lucky we are
For all of our land
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