
Friday 6 December 2013


 Waiting for our internet man to come. My plumber was supposed to come two weeks ago and still waiting. He told me he didn’t know when he would be able to come.

So in the meanwhile, we just wait until our decorating is all spoiled and our water bill is so high we can’t pay it. Oh I am fed up of men.

Hub went out this morning to catch the man who cleans the bins. I asked him in July to clean ours. If you remember my blog from then? He was rude. Hub said he told him, we didn’t ask him and he doesn’t have time now. He then got in his car and drove off.

Another row in our house this morning. A lot of tension.

This makes me ill.

I am like a yoyoIf I stupidly let myself get to the top, I am thrown down to the bottom so fast. This is why I never allow myself to be happy. If I stay half way, this is a result for me.

I am not going to tell hub but I think my burn is now infected.

The one I can’t talk about told me today it was very red around the huge burn.

Our real tree doesn’t smell half as good as it did last year. But still has a fern fragrance.

My orange decorations in my mind’s eye look lovely against the dark green pine needles.

I think the one I don’t talk about is in tonight too, though after college he is seeing someone and this someone is fine by me.

Sunday we have our day on the train and the musical of Christmas will begin.

Tomorrow. Oh God. Three dogs and the vet.

How on earth we are going to manage is just stressing me out.

Wagga sniffs everything, BB has to be dragged and fights with everything and LC is terrified.

There are horrid steps too.

OK, as for the news, we all know and respect the fact that who some people think is a great man has died. Nelson Mandela. But to be on every channel of our Television? 24/7 too? Why can’t he be reported as a soldier or fireman who has died are?

I remember the horrible barbaric news when in South Africa they used to kill the black people taking tanks to the streets. Thank God that doesn’t happen now, but it is still really bad over there. My Hub was there in October and remember I told you about the white driver who drove to kill or at least knock over a black man on the road. That still goes on. Horrible, I hope so much that this can bring together black and whites over there because after all, black people should have more right than the whites

It is their country, white people came after them and I am a strong believer in whose there first belongs there. But all this on Google and other media services, he was 95, some children in his country and ours don’t get to five.

Cry for them, perhaps??


I guess I must go now and start a very long day of cleaning. I absolutely hate it. Same thing day in day out. But at least Hub is home and that makes life liveable.

OK more later I hope a fun blog. Xxxx

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