
Sunday 29 December 2013


It’s 3 in the morning, the house is dark of course, and the doors are rattling with the roaring winds outside.

It’s wild again. We have had more storms this year than I can ever remember.

England never used to get constant freak weather conditions.

I can hear my wind chimes outside and the gusts of wind are pounding through the ink skies.

I received confirmation yesterday, about someone I have had huge doubts about. As bad as bad can be.

But I shall go to bed now, head a little more empty of those thoughts I need my strength for what is to follow today.

It’s really difficult being a parent of a 16 year old.

People say hang on there, hmm. It’s painfully difficult. For the person he hangs out with is a bad influence.

His happiness is priority for me. Let’s hope next year, moves on?

Might have a cup of tea now and some of the gift my Sons friend bought us.

Then bed. Xxx

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