
Thursday 14 January 2016


 Housework today trying to avoid eight paws as Hub is working from home so can’t do anything noisy like vacuuming well, that is my story and I’m sticking to it also by the time our dogs have had a day at the nursery, playing with all of their toys, I will need to clean the floors so best just let them get it all out of their system and then clean the floor. 


I wonder what Hub would do if he was sighted and there were no computers? I guess lots of typing on the old thing called a typewriter? Also pen work? In those days though surely not half as much could have got done as Hub writes so much I mean, he started just before nine. I made him some lunch just before one and at one he was back at his lap top. He will be there till at least half four then he checks just before bed. Oh, I’m a little early for my “Just before bed” blogs, smile.


In a world where so much more can get done, I wonder why we come across such incompetence in the work place and when trying to get things done, we can’t seem to get past stage one?


Well, as for me today, I will be cooking later must make a dinner tonight. Two nights ago I made homemade Pizza’s and I must say they were delicious. So much nicer than what we buy for delivery or the nasty ones from the freezer. The flavour was amazing. So though I incorporated fresh veg on the pizzas and we had salad with that, I still feel I have to cook veg tonight with meat as my Son will be thinking I’m going to starve him.


Last night he kindly went to our Fish & Chip shop. Now I’m not being funny, but there is something not quite right about other nationalities owning Fish & Chip shops. It just doesn’t work in my opinion. Fish & Chips is typically English. I don’t like it when we go to  a Italian restaurant and someone with a heavy English regional accent serves us and if we went to our lovely Cantonese restaurant where we love to go and someone spoke to us with a for example Welsh accent, it just wouldn’t be right…. It’s stupid or sad, not sure what, but when I go to places like that, I want to feel the country. Our lovely Chinese/Cantonese restaurant plays US and European music, it’s weird. It’s like going for an Indian meal and listening to heavy metal. Is that just me or are you the same?


Anyway, after my painter had been here all day working on and off. The door was opening and closing all day and the heating was off and it only took till my friend Terry said something to me last night, I could have of course turned off the radiator in that room that was getting painted, and left the heating on in the rest of the house…. Why I didn’t do that? Em…


I was starving. Hungry and cold to the bone.  I asked Teen if he would go to the chip shop as we can’t do with getting delivered Indian food, though that is my absolute favourite. Our Indian restaurant is the best. But the price these days? As for Pizza? No, there are too many of them around here and they are awful. We used to have a lovely one but they sold up to a Polish family and really, now, they are disgusting. Frozen Pizzas we can buy and they put some kind of ingredients on the top covered in grease. So I won’t order from them anymore. We then found another one and this time Indian people owned it and everything we ordered, teen had tuna, Hub had chicken and I had cheese and tomato. All of the Pizzas tasted like curry. Going back to my words before. So when teen went to the chippy. A Chinese lady told teen there were no fish.

Say wha’a’a’AAA?

Lady. It’s a Fish & Chip shop? Something in the title?

So teen asked for sausage for him and his dad and she said that there were only two sausages left. Well, this was twenty odd minutes after they opened. So teen asked for a pie, as Hub wanted two sausages. She said they didn’t do pies.


Hub and Teen had a sausage each and they said they were disgusting. I just had chips. Normally Chip shops do something called a cheese savoury but not this one. I loved my chips. They were scrumptious. Hub and Teen disliked them so much as you almost have to scrape the grease from the chips to the paper they were wrapped in. yummy. Hehehe. There really isn’t any hope for me.


So a guilty Mum and wife has to cook tonight. Won’t be as good as the greasy chips though, but I think Hub and teen may prefer home cooking. Just I totally hate cooking.


As for my painter? Well, bless him he stayed till after six to get it all done. I don’t know what it’s like, but I know he never does a bad job. Teen had a look and said

“Mum, it is perfect. He has done the best job.” I know when my brother in law saw his work on our stairs and landing three plus years ago, he said it was the best paint job he has ever seen and our Andy knows his stuff. This is one of the reasons I get him back. Also wait for this; you know my history with dodgy workmen. Well, here is another reason I get our painter to do our work. I asked him what our stairs and landing were like. As it’s probably been about three and a half years since it was done and there are a lot of doors to whiten and the banister as well as windowsill and more wood as well as huge amounts of wall. My walls are a lovely colour too and light. So, our painter was asked by me to look for future work on my stairs what the condition was like as we obviously can’t see how good or bad it is. He looked for a while and said to be honest, I think you can get another year out of that. I mean, he could have told us it needed doing? He has just lost himself some work. I’m kind of glad as when I asked him how much he would charge, it was a fortune but not as much as we were quoted before I met our now painter. Up to a thousand pounds on average was what they wanted. That is for six doors plus loads more paint though.  


So now just need the ceiling light fixed and Teen said he would do that. It does involve wires, so not sure but we will see. I did ask my electrician when he would come and do the work he promised me from August and I’m still waiting to hear from him. His colleague came last week and hung a clock and mirror up for me and took away an electric box, he wouldn’t take payment so I owe them so he will come at some point I’m sure, I hope anyway. It’s so out of character for my electrician to be like this. I feel something is going on in his life right now. I hope he will return to normal as he is a great guy.


As for my painter? Well, we have such history. I remember writing in my blog about the first time I met him. I looked on the internet. Hub was abroad and was worried about me and quite cross as I just got a load of painters to come to my house throughout a few days to give me estimates and that was before Teen was a man so Hub didn’t like that it could be anyone. Well, if you move into a new area and you don’t know anyone, what do you do? You have to look on line, right? Well, I can tell you, I did all the safe things like write down the contacts and time of when the guys were coming, I also played a talking station on my radio as though someone was in the back and I didn’t tell any of them I couldn’t see. I used to be able to get away with that so much. Now from time to time I still can. I have had builders showing me plans before and I have acted as though I can see. Just because I feel when you let them know you can’t, they literally take your eyes out. (An expression)


Well that was some years ago and I still have him. Now we have been through so much with him. He has been in one heck of a state but now? Wow, what a guy. I’m so proud of him. He has really changed everything about himself apart from the fact he is still honest. Teen said he looks great now. His personality is so positive. He has really cleaned up his act and I just hope he keeps like that. If he does though he will get loads more work and put his prices up just like our electrician did and won’t have time for small jobs like ours.


This is the problem with living in a place like we do. Only huge jobs nothing little. We put an advert in our local internet page one hundred and fifty people viewed it. It was for a handy man. Not one, not one single person answered the add. Too small a job.


 Parts of the UK have snow today. I was just out before the fragrance of indian food, from our lovely family next door was amazing. we, have the bitter air filled with tantalising foods which were teasing my taste buds and around the corner, our local chocolate factory were releasing pure  cocoa beans. Its windy wild and I’m now warming in our toasty house, before the housework begins. Yawn. Until later with love. X

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