
Tuesday 19 January 2016


 Good evening from the UK dearest Bloggets. Well when I left you on my last blog, my canary…. He’s Irish you know? Was having a hissy fit. I felt sick. For over an hour he went mad in his cage. The noise was awful. Sounded like someone had a plastic sheet and was scraping it up and down the bars on the cage. I went to see if he was OK he went quiet. I moved my hands over the cage, no, not to scare him but to get him to move as that normally works if he were stuck he would move quickly to escape my hand? He stayed still.


Then I felt something gross on the top of the cage. I didn’t know what it was I got a tube from the kitchen towelling and tried to push that down gently on the top of the cage as if it were the poor lads wing or leg, I mean, what was I thinking, his leg? On the top of the cage? So Dickie himself would be upside down, so how would he get in that position?  So a wing, right? Well, Hub came in. He moved the cage. Nothing then I heard Hub say the dreaded words.

“He’s gone love.”

I felt sick I went hot then cold. No, I know he is a canary, but I love my pets. Anyway, we put the light on, that normally wakes him up. We even put some music on as he loves his music. I vacuumed the floors, he reacts to the sound of the hoover but no, nothing. So Hub almost tipped the cage over to get him to move. And he did ever so slowly.


Hub looked in the food pots. It’s up to teen to feed him water and clean. I nag for days before he does it, but he does, but Hub said that both feeding bowls were empty. Well, I know he wouldn’t starve as I gave him some sweetcorn yesterday the day before he had one of those posh peapods. And some apple the day before that. I also know that teen cleaned out his cage about nine days ago and gave him new food and those seed things you hang turned out that’s what it was on the top of the cage….


All night he has been quiet. Teen came in about eleven tonight after a jog and looked at his bird and said he was panting heavy well I know that isn’t a good sign but when Teen walked away from the cage, our canary. Irish. Started to breathe normally He is on his little swing just looking around the room Teen said. He has fresh water too. Let’s see what he is like tomorrow?


The funny thing is, this morning I was playing music in my bedroom whilst getting ready and I had reggae on. I could hear our bird singing I smiled as saying to myself. “Oh, bless him he is liking my music from downstairs to up he can hear it.”

At the end of the song, I realised the bird was on the record….




The Little Fella is working tomorrow with Hub going on a train journey for work let’s hope this time; he won’t disgrace himself by doing a doggy doodle right in the middle of the platform? Oh that was funny not sure if I told you but we had to move one of the plants our brother gave us. Not the one that poked my eye out but the other one that almost poked Hubs eye out. Hahalalalalhahahalalalal  I told my brother that he was trying to blind us.


We had to move it out because blooming Little Fella was eating the soil. Not only was he eating it, but he was feasting on it. He loved it. We put two lots of soil in it as the roots were showing again. The third time it needed new soil I had to move the pot into the conservatory and now my conservatory looks like a garden centre. There are five huge floor standing plants in there.

Well, when LF and Hub was last at the station, LF did his doodle and the guy next to Hub said in a rather loud voice.

“Gosh mate, looks like cannabis?”


Oh then Hub took out a bag…

I would have died on the spot.


It was a fact though. The soil came straight through him and out the other end… haha.


Wagga and LF have had their crazy play time and now are in bed cuddled up together. Teen thought he heard other pets in our house. In our loft. Yep, you have guessed it. He thinks we have mice now in the loft. Oh please, let it be the heating turning on?


Oh one more really funny story, well I think it is. Though I almost broke my back in the meanwhile.

I went into the kitchen this morning to stand on something not too pleasant. It was slimy. I took some good old kitchen paper and rubbed my plastic soul on my slipper. It smelled like lemons.


I realise that it was washing up liquid I was slipping on. It was in my cleaning cupboard under my kitchen sink. Obviously when I was getting the polish out yesterday it must have fell and tipped some out.


Well, I dried it then mopped it then dried it again.


This afternoon. Same again. Well how? Washed it dried it again. Tea time, same again. This was a joke?


When teen came in, he said “Mum. It’s not the fact you have missed some. It’s the fact that it’s tipped in the cupboard and is slowly pouring out through the door.”


My kitchen floor is very clean!


OK loads to do around the house tomorrow so best get to bed. Teen off work but already has plans. He has two days off in a row then working for eight days. Five of them are rather interesting. Will let you know more at the time.


Has your day been a good one. Until tomorrow with love and hope.

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