
Saturday 23 January 2016


Not long now before our besties get here. I can’t wait. Hub trying right now to get the Little Fella to do his big boys doggy doodle. It’s a task, easy if we go out on harness, he loves the toilet at the train station. Right on the platform. But we have a run here for him to go to and he isn’t keen. Would rather do it in public. I guess he’s an exhibitionist!


My hands are so sore still all cuts and I keep knocking my knuckles just where they are pained. Not good. As I keep saying there is a lot of me to fall. As a child I fell all of the time as you don’t understand what you can and can’t do when you are young. You are a child, so you run. But you run with RP and that isn’t always good, when looking forward, you don’t see what is on the ground and when you look on the ground, you don’t see what is in front of you. Or, to the sides. So it’s clear in front, then there are steps before you know it. But as an adult, you don’t fall half as much if at all. Me? I could fall or trip up on a breadcrumb.


Rain is due let’s hope it stays dry until we go for lunch with our friends? They do a train journey to get to us then a taxi. It’s a pain really as if we all could see, it would be a quick car journey, mind you, I love train travel as long as the train is not full. It’s the taxi I don’t like from station to house and back.


Our dog walker coming tomorrow but sadly LF can’t go as looks like on last walk, a dog nipped him so his leg has a cut so Hub doesn’t want him to go out, though he is fine in his self. Oh, how to explain to LF his Waggatail is going out but not him?



OK, can hear the taxi, off for now. Xxx

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