
Friday 15 January 2016


My friend Artie and I went on a lovely trip today. I always enjoy my times with her. She is a lovely friend. It was a breath of fresh air to be out and Wagga loved her outing too.


The weather today is beautiful. It is so sunny and crisp. Had to be careful though as there were puddles of ice!


I proudly showedArtie my painting from my friend who is the artist from the US and Arty said it was great. So that is my two art critics her and teen who love it. Decided on my frame. I am going to get those frameless ones where it is just glass. I think that will complement the painting as I don’t want to take anything away from such detail. One thing I didn’t know was the painting night sky has tiny star like musical notes. As a piano is featured in the painting I think that is so clever.

She has been commissioned to do a painting for a gentleman featuring three wolves. That sounds stunning. Must keep an eye out for my friend I think she is going to be big. She has the same eye condition as I have but she still has sight. And long may it last for her. I am proud to have such talent on my friend list. Her name is Beth Wright Meador  

Not sure if that link will work but if you do want to see what she can do then let me know and I will try to connect you.


I think my dog is now very tired. She has gone to bed. She is really getting old before her time. She is four and is acting like my old BB did when she was ten. I don’t like that at all.


Thank you for the emails and other ways you have contacted me about last night’s poetry. Gosh, I didn’t think you would like them as they were heavy dark. It’s been a while since I wrote anything so dark. If you need any poems written for Valentine’s Day, please let me know as already I have had some requests my email address is


For my VIP Bloggets

Visions for future


I had a fall today so can’t type with left hand so this has been a difficult blog.  Have a great weekend. X

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