
Monday 4 January 2016


Well today is the first day the UK is back at work after our Christmas holidays. OF course a lot of you have been back a few days but most of our workers are back today. It has rained all day.  I learned today that we are across the road from a red warning for floods. I just hope our defences can cope with the water? I feel for the birds as two mornings in a row now, the birds have been singing outside my window as if its spring.


I hope baby birds won’t be born too early and then die with the weather. I mean, we have four months of awful went windy cold temperatures. Our seasons in the UK are really mixed up this was one of many reasons I loved the UK for its seasons. Now we seem to have two, three if we are lucky. Later years it’s been winter and autumn. I dream to have a house in the warmer climates. To go to in dark months.


Teen leaves for work in the dark and comes home in the dark. I almost forced him to the gym tonight as he gets so down when not there. He has been coming in from work and going to bed. Mind you, he had two weeks off over Christmas and was never in. He had the time he should have had when instead he was with the witch of an ex. For three years his life has been repressed. Now he is living.


My floors again need vacuuming but really, why? Two minutes later with dogs and back to normal. Today we have been cleaning out the office. Four large bags later, we don’t seem to have done that much.  Hub and I carried a very heavy filing cabinet down our curly stairs right through the house and out to the garage. That room needs painting and a new carpet. And made into a proper room.


We have so far to go to get there though.


Great news, my electrician is coming on Thursday. Only taken me five months to get him to call out. Work has built up for him now though and when I told him, he said he suddenly feels ill. Really, I asked for a clock to be hung well, a hook for it. And our alarm needs fixing also now, a plug needs moving on the wall, so a socket. It will take him an hour.  You would think I was asking him to rewire our entire house?


He’s great though and fare with his prices but most of all. I can trust him to be in our house.


He is a really lovely guy. I met him years ago I asked him to do our electric board in the garage. He was advertised. Long story short we got talking and he did me a huge favour he didn’t have to do and the rest they say is history. He has hung all of my pictures up and done loads of electrical work for me and even put hooks in the walls outside for our Christmas decorations to hang on.


I think I should make an impression on our chocolates tonight as not really been eating them. Just been eating some kitty sweeties that I love from the old days of a little Fifi. My friend bought me some old fashioned sweets they are all gone now. Time to move to the chocolate.


I will write later as will talk to you about odd things at night. With love. X

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