
Wednesday 27 January 2016


Good day Bloggets. How not to start your day. First weigh yourself and fall flat inside as the numbers are read to you. Well, at least that is one thing about me that is flat. Because one thing for sure it’s not my stomach.

Two, measure you. Well, apart from almost running out of tape on certain parts we won’t say where, I’m using an R.I.B tape measure. It’s for those who can’t read print or Braille. I hate it. It’s so slow. Last time I was able to measure myself, I could see and it was so easy and so fast. Oh counting one by one of the holes is tiresome.


So how do I cope with this news? I eat some left over Pizza and a slice of Christmas cake. I’m a total hopeless case. I cope with weight gain or staying the same after trying, in a way that will put weight on me. If I were to lose weight, I wouldn’t eat like that. It doesn’t make sense to me now sitting here but I have long given up on analysing why I do what I do!


Poor Teen up again today at five. Hub at six. I didn’t get to sleep myself until about three. So my eyes feel like led balloons. Outside is so horrible too. I needed to get out today but it’s raining and the wind is horrific. Just took Waggatail to her dog run to do her doggy doodles and the air is warm. It’s simply weird.


Our canary, he’s Irish you know? Smile. Is singing clapping and dancing. After my scare last week when the poor baby was just hungry, he is fine now. Hub is going to keep an eye on him as if we didn’t say anything to Teen, really, his bird, yes, his bird wouldn’t get blooming fed or fresh water.


Oh last night, you may have read the fun of the delivery men with our office furniture? I say office; a wardrobe is included in that. Well, last night Hub and I put it together.

 Oh,    my,    life!

If you had seen the boxes? So, it’s a robe with drawers underneath. Now because the robe was to be put on top of the drawer, you would think, that the drawer/drawers, would be in different boxes?

Wrong. The same one. No wonder that poor Grandad was almost having a heart attack?


Then there was the box for the desk. And the polystyrene?


The drawers were inside of the robe but to get to them, you had to unscrew a board which was for the bin, not a part of the robe, and if you can’t see this, as Teen looked and said it had huge writing on it that read “Unscrew and dispose.”  I asked him to look as I was disappointed with the quality of the wood. Hahahahaha. No wonder, it was hard board for packaging.


And the weight of the furniture? Well, the handles for everything desk and robe as well as drawers, were all screwed inside, it would have been better if they were just left in a bag? Oh then as Hub and I were in this small room, surrounded by boxes, plastic bags polystyrene and furniture, I found a padded length of wood. I said to Hub it’s broken. He looked and said that was the rail for the clothes to hang on. I said no, I thought it was also for packaging. He replied, no, why would it be covered in soft foam?  I said to protect whatever it was meant to. I was right. Thing is, I’m not sure what it was protecting. As where it came out, there was nothing there but boxes. So I guess it was filler.


Oh as the boxes kept coming piling up, I thought, oh no, not more rubbish to get rid of? I can’t bare it. More money too. Again, if we could see to drive, it would be a case of taking it to the tip. But we have to pay the council £42 to collect.


Well, we couldn’t move, so we had to chuck stuff on the landing. Trying not to get the polystyrene broken as that would be more mess. We got sorted. Teen kept telling us he was tired. Hub shouted on him from his bedroom to ask if he would put the handles on we have a new drill and it’s like a weapon of mass destruction. We are terrified to use it. So teen came. Not in good faith. Haha. And oh my goodness. I thought we were going to have no furniture left…. He is so heavy handed. And the tools got thrown down onto my new wood? Anyways, he did it then he helped kind of by carrying out the enormous box, he wouldn’t except help to carry it. So wham bam, the box flew open and the entire contents came out all over my landing that I had just vacuumed…..


But we got there. Now just have to get rid of the boxes. We have put all of the stuff in one. Now I can’t get into my garage.


Teen just called me to say he was having a full English breakfast in a cafĂ©. Lucky duckling. I love my Son. He is a challenge but deep down he is my heart beat. He is a good worker that is for sure. Outside the house he for sure isn’t lazy. Mind you, he has a fun packed year planned. And I’m glad as when he was with the wicket witch of the West, he had no life for a teenager that is for sure. Now he is living the three years in one….


Our eldest daughter called last night. Hub phoned her on Sunday but she wasn’t available. Good job it wasn’t important? Haha. Honestly, a homing pigeon would have been faster to get a message to her…. Lovely to hear from her though. Just the little one to catch up with now. She is off to somewhere I can’t ever remember in a couple of weeks. Climbing mountains and she will love it. She is so sociable. A laugh really, at New Year I was so proud of her. She mixed with the kids down the street so well. When I say kids, they are about sixteen / nineteen. She lit the room up with her jolly persona. Our eldest is like me, more reserved but, she was great too as on New Year’s Day, her and her little sister went out with the Sons of our neighbours to play ten pin bowling. I was so happy about that. My Son wouldn’t be so open minded, though among adults, he is so grown up and so polite with huge amounts of confidence. He has huge respect in his place of work with the managers. I’m really proud of what he has achieved for such a young lad. Gosh, talking of young lad, he is nineteen in six weeks’ time. My baby nineteen? Wow, I can’t believe it. Our kids really are turning into adults, I know by age they are, but they arnt. Not really, I had been married for almost two years by the age of our two eldest kids and I no way was an adult either. Though I cooked cleaned and was a good wife to my ex I don’t think I grew up until I lost my parents.


OK I’m rambling and my Neighbour has just text to say he is coming over so will go for now but be back later. Before I go some words.

When you meet someone for the first time you’re not really meeting them, you are meeting with their representative


A house is just a place to keep your stuff, whilst you go out and get more stuff.


Laters Bloggets. X

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