
Monday, 18 March 2013


Hi all, I hope you are all OK? Another dreadfully dull, dreary, damp day here. Nothing wonderful happened here. Hub off to  the capital and Paris tomorrow. He is going with his P.A, so no need for me to worry about his safety and only for 48 hours, so he will be back before I have chance, to    wind the wire, on the Vacuum up?

Tomorrow, I will go out with Nicola, my mobility worker, who will do the route again to the next village with me. Can’t say I am  looking forward to it, but that  is just my frame of mind right now. Some days I get so down about not being able to see. Really it gets boring. To train to go out? To have to pay for everything so much more than I would if I could see? Our taxi bills are so high, but nothing like where we used to live, as the bus service there was just awful and Guide dog people, were rubbish at training us, well, just to get them to come out was a nightmare? At least they try here, though it is few and far between.

My poor Waggatail, has not been on a free run, for six weeks. I have been told not to take her on our field, because it won’t be good as she will not want to go to the shop, it is hard enough to get her past the park as it is?

I have been on a list for a while, but the lady who is going to volunteer, to walk with me, is waiting to be police checked?

As I am “Vulnerable!”

So the people have to be all checked out. At least teen is taking my Black Beauty out around the lake and Long Chops, works a lot, last week she was out working three days in the capital and a couple of days here.

It’s just poor little Waggatail.

Teen did two hours’ work after school today, I’m  happy with that. How he will cope with Saturday, when his girlfriend goes skiing? One week without her? Oh God help me?

My friend from where I used to live, called me today to tell me of the engagement of her daughter? I asked her was she happy and what  did she say to her daughter when she announced her happy news? Her answer was so  funny?

“oh I just said, why did you have to say yes to someone  so thick?”

Oh God, that  is my friend, she speaks her mind? Ha.

Poor girl? Really I did feel for her as you want your Mum to be  happy for you?

Loads of you have visited our  blog page this weekend, so thank you all for your time and company.

   Laters my friends with hugs and love.

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