
Saturday, 20 April 2013


I have been asked to write something by a friend of mine. He says he often closes his eyes and thinks what it would be like for me. As I said to him, thank God, he can open them again, but how would  he feel if he couldn’t?

How would he feel if he could not see his children’s faces?

My Hub brought a lump to my throat today, or now should I say yesterday? It followed the event where we could not go  somewhere where I really wanted to go. Somewhere I really had rather been excited all week about doing and going. We couldn’t as it would be quite deer for taxis and when we got there, we would need showing around and of course we had no one to do that.

A man got in his car as Hub and I were sitting on our lovely post box red bench in the front garden. The engine started and Hub turned to me and said,

“If only people knew, just how lucky they were to be able to do that?”

It was the way in which he said it. I felt so sad. There were no words to  say to him. I mean, what could I  say?

I guess Hub knows my X was sighted and had a car, could take me anywhere I wanted to go and guide me. He can’t do that, but what he can, do, is give me light in my dark world. Something my X could not do.

My friend asked me to explain what I see. Well, the answer is nothing. As though looking through a tight tunnel that goes on forever. I tell you though, I see more than my Hub, as he has never seen, what I do is when I am talking to someone, or sitting in a park, I try to see things in my minds eye.

As though wearing contact lenses. So the image is on the inside of my eye? Does that make sense to you?

I guess it is like when you dream. You see things, well I do that so being blind, is not so drab and depressing.

I try to see colours and happy faces when I am talking to friends, but the funny thing is, I see how I did when I was partially sighted. So if I am thinking of a face, I see a tiny bit of the face at a time. I put the face together in my mind, like a jigsaw, then think about it and it is as though taking a picture/photograph and I see it all together.

I don’t know what my poor Hub sees. I guess for him, it is like looking out of your ear. What do you see out of  your ear? Nothing, it is like saying what do you see out of your leg?

Nothing of course.

Your eyes are the windows to your brain. Your windows can be steamed up, dirt on some and you look through the gaps. Or foggy/misty.

Or they can have heavy curtains there, in red, peach, or whatever colour that particular blind person sees? I mean every blind person is  different. Just like people in wheelchairs all have different things wrong with them. They may have a bad/painful back? Then may be in agony right down their legs, they may have no feeling in their legs at all? If you are deaf, you may hear a little amount, or hear a loud buzzing in your ear, or hear nothing at all.

Me personally, I see memories and thank God I have those

The very first time I was reunited with my now husband after too long, he walked in my front door at my old house and I melted like ice cream on a summer’s day.

I could not see him. I knew by his voice, he was slightly taller than me, I loved his voice. A man with such a voice could not be ugly. The way his footsteps on my wooden floor walked in, was truly amazing. He took my hand and I saw for the first time in too long. When we shared our first kiss, I knew his lips were just perfect. He can stand in front of me and I know he is handsome. I remember him from school. He was handsome then an just added in my mind, some years and had a true beauty.

My girlfriends met him and confirmed my mind’s eye.

I know when my son is looking in the mirror as we sit in the kitchen, he was shocked yesterday when I told him to stop being vane at the table, and he asked how I knew? You just do, their voices don’t face you. Close your eyes; get someone in the same   room as you to talk looking at you then talking but turning away?

You know the difference. It’s almost like someone speaking with hands over their mouth. There is a wall between you and the person when they talk not facing you. The wall is their head?

When they face you, their mouth is at the front.

I sit on the red bench in our front garden. I see nothing. I try not to keep my head still, not wanting neighbours to think I am staring into their houses? I also know it looks odd, just keeping your head still, as remember when I could see a bit, looking at my blind friends, thinking, should I tell them to turn their head from time to time?

When Hub and I talk to one another like sitting on the bench, we look at one another, and I am sure that must look funny to some people, as what do we see?



Why do we do it?

To look so called normal, also we know when we throw a ball, we throw it to someone.  So we throw our words to the person we are talking to.

Sitting outside yesterday, I could hear in the nearby distance, a children’s birthday party. We thought there was a bouncy castle and we heard them playing a game, sounded like basketball to us?

We may have been wrong, but would have been interesting to see what a sighted person , would have thought?


I could hear someone across the road, using a hedge strimmer and hear lots of closed car doors, and house doors. Gates and dogs barking in houses. Obviously looking out of the window?

I could not see the tree in our front garden, though Hub and I talked about how big it was getting, as we have tried to reach the top and we can’t.

I can’t see what other gardens look like. When we bought this house, and looked around other houses, it was a nightmare?

We moved here as it was near so many shops and a cinema, a bowling alley and so much more. Well, the shame is, on Google maps, everything is within a mile. Trying to get there? Is a nightmare. Not on the bus route and in industrial areas. To walk there? Almost impossible if not totally impossible. As there are roads here that have no beeps to cross or tactile. One place we would like to go to, is four roads which Falk, off leading to a roundabout.

We can’t tell where the cars are coming from, so can’t cross the roads.

If we had a car? Life would be so easy, even more helpful, is if of course we had sight?

What do I see when I watch the television? Nothing, there is nothing there, as though you would watch a radio.

Thank God for audio description.

We are lucky in the UK, we have that no other countries to my knowledge have audio telly?

My Hubs wonderful colleague and friend is a pioneer for talking television and is now in the States to receive an award for his achievements in that field.

Sadly, he is one of the amazing men who have just been made redundant. This is excruciating, as he was a God for blind people. I don’t know what we will do now, as we needed people like him, with his passion and ability to see a future for those without sight and for him,  a person with sight, he was a gift to us.

When I cook? It is easy now, when I first lost my sight, OMG? It was a nightmare as I burned myself so much, but now? No trouble.

I can even make homemade Yorkshire puddings and pour the mixture into the sizzling hot oil in the tiny circular dents in the trays.

OK, sometimes my Yorkshires come out like flying saucers? But taste delicious.

One of my friends found it fascinating, that I could peal vegetables and not leave peal on? Ha.

How do I iron? By touch. Yep, we do burn ourselves, but not often.

How do we make love? Well, that is great; Hub can’t see me thank God?



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