By Fiona Cummings
By Fiona Cummings
Trembling fingers waiting for what
Shivering inside
An yet feeling hot
I cannot swallow
My throat is so dry
I want to laugh
Though I could cry
I need someone to talk to
Though want to be alone
Need noise around me
But need a quiet zone
Feeling excited
Absolutely delighted
Also incredibly deflated
Really let down
I want to smile
But wear a frown
Need to show pleasure
As happiness I treasure
But you see misery
So what do I feel
Do you really know me
Am I the right deal
Is it me
Am I real
Who am I
What do I mean to you
You tell me to my face I am true
But behind my back are your words the same
Is this all a game
Who will be the winner
In your mind what do I look like
Rather large or thinner
Am I blonde
Do I have green eyes
Dark hair or red
Blue eyes or brown
Am I a country girl
Or live in the town
Do we share the same interests
In life will we have the same requests
Are we the absolute opposite
In the same room would we fit
Hand in hand would we belong
Could we sing to the same song
Well I don’t know really all I can say
Is that I write my life for you
Each and every day
I feel like you should know me
As what I write is true
All I want in common with you
Is to help you
To be a friend
A family you haven’t got
To fill the empty slot
To make you laugh
To show
you tears
To hold your hand
When you face fears
To do what is right
Not for me but for you
To walk in others shoes
To see and hear my views
To live life through my eyes
And in return
I hope to learn
How you have followed a path of happiness
Of strength and hopefulness
Together we will share
Tears of gladness
So we know each other a little better now
But feel free to ask your questions
And I will try to answer you
And in life will try to give directions
I want to show you my affections
is you I write these words for
So when you are so low
And on the floor
Have nowhere to go
Want so much more
I wish you the very best
And I want to give you my trust
As together we will fight this life
I promise we must
So laugh with my silly blogs
Telling about my amazing but naughty dogs
And know if I can do things in life
So can you for sure
And our failures I hope one day
We will find a cure
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