
Friday 24 January 2014


 A very quick blog as in between outings. Gosh, out three times in two days? This is not normal for me, but I’m liking it.

Today we took my two dogs to the racecourse to have a free run. We went in our friends’ car and my friend Di came with their two tiny dogs too. I was surprised how good my dogs were, well, not really surprised at BB, as she is a cutie, but Waggatail…She was really good. Apart from the times they jumped in the river… Bear in mind, the puddles had hats of ice on them.

All the time I was thinking, oh our poor friends car? I took towels and they had a blanket on the back seat for them

Oh just to know they were happy was amazing. Just to feel fresh air for me was great and the company was good too.

We were out quite a while there was a lady who passed us, with six or seven dogs. She knew them all by names too.

Not sure how she managed that, as I struggle with our three.

I do think that was too many for one person, she must be a dog walker and I wouldn’t be too  happy if I was paying someone and there were seven furry friends out together, what  does she do if  A, one dog gets  lost, B, there is a dog attacked by another? C if one of her dogs runs off she can’t chase after it with six dragging behind!

It was forecast to rain and the sun came out for us. It was cold, enough Di said to see your breath but one of those mornings where by you put a warm coat on and feel the crisp air.

OK, getting ready to go out again, so will be back later then I must sort out life for going away for tomorrow.

Booking taxi and so on.

My dogs have been a sleep since we got back; I know they have had a fantastic time.


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