
Sunday 19 January 2014


 Hey Bloggets. Well, teen went to his party and he, was respectable and came home at the end of it. Unlike some… I can’t say he sounded like he had fun though, in fact the opposite.  This is the sad thing; he never is excited when he is with certain people.

Well, today is his last one at work. He handed in his notice and nothing was said. They tried to ask why, but Teen just had enough.

Hub and I been doing housework all day. He is great. Unlike a lot of men who won’t lift a finger. I must say, the x was good too. Though where as Hub doesn’t expect anything from me, my x did!

An update on my eating for health… I have been feeling so much better since I have been having breakfasts and cutting down on bread, crisps and chocolate. In fact, I have not had any crisp for over a week. Not lost any weight, but at the same time, not gained any either. And I really do feel better, not so sluggish

Next week will be a test; Hub is in Peterborough on Tuesday, Wednesday London, but home both nights. Thursday he leaves for Scotland for four days. He’s wanting me to join him…

God. I would love to so much. But, the dogs and teen. I am from the old school where you don’t leave your child alone. I know he is seventeen in a couple of months. But he is still under eighteen.

Also, if I go, I will be there for one night only. And I will have to go on my own. Scary territory. Fifi on a train alone….

Haha! Well, there will be some funny blogs out of that for sure.

We will see.

I know my lovely friend Di, offered to help with the dogs, even teen. Oh as if he would allow help, he thinks he is the big I am.

But how kind, and I know she would too, I still struggle with asking for help, as every time in my life I do, it comes back and bites me on the butt. After six months of being told that a person I knew would get anything from the shop for me if only I asked, as she lives next to the large shop around here and goes almost every day, I was asked to a party. We were asked on the Saturday afternoon and the party was Saturday teatime. It was the street BBQ last year. I phoned her and asked if she could buy some beer, only if she was going she said she was going and it was not a problem. I said

“Do you promise you are going to the shop?

She reassured me she was and it was no problem.

Hmm. That is why she brought it up six months later. I think she expected a medal for doing it. Well, just showed what kind of person she was and I know my friend is not like that, not at all, but when a few things like that happen, it does make you careful. This other horrible person showed her true colours big time and the person who told me she was spreading it around about how much she does for me, was a little shocked by her attitude too. But I got rid of her and her baggage and people like her will end up very lonely, as what goes around comes around. She is about to move in with her new boyfriend and the way she treats him and talks even about him behind his back, will come to bite her too.

So even though Di has kindly asked, and I may even take her up on her offer, I will be really cautious and I will have to make sure as I did with the woman I am telling you about, I do for her too.

It makes you very weary. My friend from Mexico can’t understand why I never ask for help, but this is why.

It gets very nasty.

Di I am sure is different though, I just don’t want her to think I am her friend because I am so called “needy…

I just hope she knows she can ask me for help if she ever needs it too.

Hub spoke to our other neighbour today, our friend across the road. He’s a nice guy and a kind one. This street is full of really really friendly people. It was a good move coming to this street. When I think back at the God only knows how many houses we looked at before moving here, when things go wrong with the house, it is stressful, but the street has salt, earth and water, so no slipping, good ground and life.


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