
Wednesday, 16 March 2016


I wrote an enormous blog. It was so long. Took me over an hour but in the end I deleted it. Gosh I had so much to say but really, just left it.


I receive so many messages and each day I am so cross I can’t do anything about them. I can write and hope people will listen. That is it. And that isn’t always immediate. All I can say to you is what I always say. What goes around comes around. One of my most favourite proverbs is from China. Sun Tzu

 “If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemy’s will float by.”




Today was a long wait.  I waited for a call. I was told yesterday it would happen. It didn’t but I received an email to say they would call today. It was a call I had to deal with regards some work. I was dreading it. The email was so formal. So well written as if from a professor. So I have to remove my dizzy head and put on the relatively clever one. I had to blow off the dust as it’s been a while since I needed that clever head… Well, forty minutes later, I came off the phone and gosh, I felt odd. I could do it, in fact I did. I spoke as an equal. They didn’t make me feel less than themselves. It’s been so long since I had to talk with those who have a very high education. I did enjoy those days when my grey matter was tested. Being a Mum wife and Fifi, doesn’t grant me with many opportunities to open my mind to eloquence.


Another beautiful day outside. Among the sirens of Police cars and trucks, cars passing and neighbours talking, I feel the spring on its way. My favourite time of the year. It’s a time when we look forward to the year ahead. Sadly we won’t be going on a holiday this year. But I hope with all my heart I will get at least one day where I can walk with my dogs in a forest or beach. Just one day.


I think my Husband is going to visit his Father next week. And I know he has time off work. For me? Not sure. But this weekend I am visiting our besties and for that I can’t wait. Hopefully Wagga will be OK getting on and off the train. She so loves to work so it will be nice for her to see something different.


OK, feel a poem coming on…. About what? Not sure, I never ever know until I start to write. People ask me to write poetry for them and that is a challenge, I do it but to me poetry I write for my Bloggets is different to what or how I write for others who request it. Like a painter. I paint my words for my own plesure or I get commissioned to paint personal pictures in words.


Later gators and thank you for the shares on my blogs over the past few days, one blog that has amused you all is Diary of blushes. Xx   

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