
Monday, 7 March 2016


Good day Bloggets. Well one thing for sure I don’t have a lazy Son in the work place he has worked like a dog. Bless him. He left so early yesterday morning the birds hadn’t even had time to put on the breakfast kettle for their morning cupper. He didn’t get back till almost nine in the evening. It’s the travel for him that is a killer, though he doesn’t complain. I’m so proud of the young man he is becoming. I’m sure he is totally different to having a daughter; my friends with daughters seem to have a more helpful relationship. Though my Son wouldn’t dream about asking me if I needed to go anywhere, he is full of genuine love and is very honest.


Yesterday was Mother’s Day in the UK and as my friend JB said  every day is Mother’s day you shouldn’t need one day to tell your Mum you love her and how much she means to you. She is so correct. Today my Son sent me the most beautiful message from work. I will treasure the words he wrote.


Again he was up at four this morning. Scraping the ice from his car as the sky hadn’t began to brighten and the street lamps were still on. He returns at two. We desperately need a meter reading for our gas and electric.  I’m going to ask him if he wouldn’t mind.  A job that will take him less than two minutes. But though I’m rather apprehensive to asking him, I’m also a little baffled why Hub had to change our suppliers who came out for us and read them. Now we are with a much less expensive company, so that I guess, is why Hub changed, but we have to read our numbers. Hmm. Well, we may save £200 per year, but it will take a miracle for us to see the readings to send in to them. Then, we have to send it by email. So let’s see how accessible the website is?  I know that one of our neighbours will read it if we ask but I don’t want to be asking every blooming three months.


I ordered twelve new t-towels for our kitchen. All white. I’m sure ugly boring and so on, but I know they are meant to be white and will only go with a white wash. Right now my towels for the kitchen are some white some red and others blue and they all feel the same. I hate the idea that I may have whites that are not quite white….  Good old amazon. I ordered yesterday tea time and they came this morning.


Waggatail is still exhausted from her walk yesterday. We have a lovely lady who takes the dogs out for an hour and a half. Yesterday the Little Fella was shattered. It was funny as he tried to play with his toy and it was so obvious he couldn’t be bothered. But his head wanted to play, though his body said no.


My Hub is at work today. Yesterday he had day four of pain but last night his pain relented though he couldn’t shave as even to touch around his eye killed him. Today I have the eye pain. I feel like I have been kicked in the eyeball and someone has put a fork in my socket and is now removing the eye. Nice…. Not.


I am OK with this pain though as I know that my poor Husband has it thirty times worse. We are not just blind but have pain with it too. Some days my eyes feel like they are being squeezed out and are about to pop. Other days like today they are being kicked by pointy shoes. And yanked out. I also feel as if the lenses are off. I can’t explain that one better; just my eyes feel like they should have a cover on them.


So it’s Monday. The start of a long week. For some a never ending week. For others an exciting time. Everyone and everything is different. For me? This week I hope to meet up with my friend mid-week though our blooming joiner is coming. Also we are to have supper with friends and the weekend this week will be different. Thank goodness I can say I’m going out somewhere. At last. I can’t remember the last time. My friend is coming as far as going out, not sure yet where, I have a feeling it will be local. I wanted to go for a walk a very long walk. But Hub doesn’t want to. Why? Not sure, he said it’s not fair on our friend it’s boring for her. But he isn’t the walking kind of person. I must say, neither am I normally but I have been in doors for so long apart from local shops etc. I need to get away from this blooming polluted air. Hub so wants to move. I really don’t’ want to, though we may have to in a couple of years. Depends on what teen is doing. Where he is working and so on. But I love the house and love the people here.


I hope to travel north to visit family in a few weeks. I have not seen them for ages. And it will be a good reason to to travel. Mind you next week, going to see our besties. I can’t wait.


So at least we have plans and unless something happens like last time we were meant to go to our friends, then I pray all will go ahead. Not sure how much more of day in day out I can stand.


Hub again this week travelling to the hell whole he hates and again has a long drawn out day there. Last week he spent so many hours on the train I think the most since he started this job. Personally I love train travel if you get a quiet area, sadly on his four hour train journey, he had a screaming load of children a school I guess. Talking of school, I have been asked to write a paper for a school in Spain. So I have that to do at some point this week. But in the meanwhile, I must check my work email and get on with that. I will be back later with a catch up with news and views. Until then. With love’



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