
Thursday, 24 March 2016


Good day when this will get to you I don’t know. Why is this? We have no electric. Gosh life without electric. Hub was just saying we depend on it too much. I said no I don’t. Hahahahahha. She who is addicted to research writing and so on with the net. Anyways, he said he could smell dog in the house….. Yep love, that’s because we have two…. He then said he would put on the dish washer, then realised he couldn’t.  I in the meanwhile whilst smiling at his silly mistake with the washer, decided to put on our plug in air freshener.

Oopsie. Can’t do.


 It was getting cold. Hub said close the back doors to keep in the heat. I said as I reassured him he would not be cold; I would put on the fire.

It’s electric.


 Then Hub said we can’t even iron. I suggested he listens to his kindle.

 It’s flat.


I then said we could go to our gym. I would do the tread mill. He said it’s electric. Oh how stupid can I be in one morning? So Hub said he was going on the exercise bike. At least that isn’t dependent of electric.


I guess I will dust. It’s pouring with rain so we can’t do the walk we wanted to do just around the block.


So I guess Hub is right, we do depend on electric.

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