
Saturday, 12 March 2016


The dog toy I reviewed yesterday? Well, I know the instructions now and I will let you know my finds later on.


It’s very late or very early. Half past midnight. Teen went out to see a friend who has just split up with his girl after two years. This lad is so lovely I feel for him but teen was a good pal and took care of him.  So now teen is out and about again having a good time.


Today Hub, our friend and myself went to see a film it was great really great. Called London falling. Gosh I was on the edge of my seat. We had the audio earphones so I loved that.


I remember when I first went blind; I was devastated as I loved the movies. I asked myself. “How would I deal with that now?”

 Gosh, it was so depressing. But fast forward many years and I would say I love going now as much if not more so than I did when I had some sight, as when I had some sight, I missed so much, but now I don’t miss that, and thanks to audio, I see or hear more now than I ever have. I miss colours and smiles, but the dark blackness of the cinema doesn’t hurt me like it used to.


There is another film I would like to see when it comes out and that is called the boy. Mind you, that is rather spooky.


After the pictures, we went to have a late lunch. And that was great because Teen came. I loved it. I have not done any housework today. First day I can remember that for at least half a year. And, tomorrow I will do the floors and work tops and cook that is all. Normally weekends I’m working none stop. This is my break. I made breakfast today and that was it. Fab.


So the dog toy, we were doing everything right. No mystery. It’s rubbish. Especially for a blind person as you have to play hunt the plastic bones all over your floor. I was surprised though as Waggatail is the champion at the game. The treats are only under some of the bones and she found them. Little Fella was fast at picking the bones out of the tray, but the empty ones. Bless him. Waggs picked only the bones with treats underneath. Go my Wagga.


But points out of ten? Now I know I was doing everything right, two. Only reason why it’s getting two is because the tray doesn’t move.   


Just before bed

Some say life is like a river full of flowing opportunities. It’s up to us to stand near the water with a bucket, or a spoon. I have had some opportunities in my life. One when I was almost sixteen I was offered a huge modelling contract but because it was working abroad and I had not long been home from boarding school, I wanted to be with my parents. I had the confidents in those days to do such work I did it in England, and I could have travelled but my parents were my world. They were old and every year I had with them was a bonus.   


I had the biggest offer from a publishing company. I blew that big time. My huge regret. There were other opportunities for me in life too but no, I stayed in my little box. Then when my now Hub came along. I grabbed the opportunity with both hands. Embraced it too and thanked our maker for getting us together.


For success don’t always go for the biggest opportunity, as

You get large candles with lots of wax, you get tiny candles but they yield the same light. Just always look out for your opportunity. It may not smack you in the face it could be very small that will lead you to very big benefits.


Except responsibility for your own life as only you will get you to where you want to be. On your journey, meet others who may help you to motivate yourself to continue on your travel but you, are the one who is in charge.


Just before bed a message for those who need this. You know who you are? The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow. When your past calls, let it go onto voicemail as really, it has nothing new to say. Walk away from anything or anyone who makes you feel sad worthless or takes away from your joy. Life is too short to put up with fools. And finally, remember what goes around comes around. I truly believe that.


Until tomorrow, with love. X

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