
Monday 8 February 2016


Good afternoon Bloggets. Well, what a day so far…. Firstly I’m starving and that isn’t a good sign. Secondly my joiner is here thank goodness but he came at quarter past nine and he as just told me he won’t be finished till five and may have to come back tomorrow. Gosh, really? But he is nice and so polite. He went away for a sneaky half hour and I had a sneaky look at his work. Hehehehehe. Not quite sure what to say so far. I guess its early days?


Perhaps I can say one thing, with all the winds we have had, looks like my cupboard could represent an old garden fence?


Early days Fifi calm down.

 Heard from our daughter who is going on holiday this week with the school to Nepal. Heck, what happened to France? Germany? She is brave no way I would go there and the heights she will be climbing? I’m sure it’s something like ten thousand feet? I struggle climbing our stairs. Smile.


Teen hasn’t let me know he is at work. So I’m cross with him. I’m telling myself not to worry. His phone has no reception once he is in the building. He was running late though so he had to speed he told me…. It’s through country lanes too. You know, he won’t listen. I sometimes think he thinks he knows it all….


Today he is in a hired car as his is getting things fixed for his M.O.T.


He did have a great weekend though and got back in one peace. I didn’t sleep. Hub asked me what on earth I’m going to do when he is off on one of his many holidays. I told him I will be a nightmare to live with. Mind you, Hub isn’t doing too well with the little one away to Nepal.


Our dogs went for a free run yesterday and today Waggatail is flat out. There were fifteen dogs including pups on the field for them to chase.


I received an early birthday present today. I know what it is as I had to help hub to search for it. It’s one of those hot air brushes. So I can curl my hair under as right now I look like Marilyn Monroe. May I sadly add only the hair? Haha. I wish I had her figure. Not a skeleton but the fulumptious figure she used to have.


Talking of a lovely figure, I’m blooming starving. It’s almost two in the afternoon and I have not had anything to eat yet you know what it’s like when you have workmen in your house? Talking of which, he is now varnishing… Oh boy, who is home in three hours? A white lab in the name of The Little Fella. Varnish, dog hair? Oh, and my Hub who can’t see. Note to one’s self, must remember to tell Hub to be careful as he walks through the door.


I may have found a great guy with this man as he said no job is too small. So to hang pictures up and so on, he said he would do it, fantastic. Brilliant. Mind you, may have to book half a day per nail?


I have been working all morning for the big office. Really biting my nails as had such problems this time in attaching a photograph. A j peg or whatever you call it…. I can write, attaching photographs is a nightmare for me. Normally I have had no problems but this picture just doesn’t want to open no matter how many different versions I have sent. The Journalists want the stories which is great, but they also want pictures.  I need to contact the Guru of the office to find an alternative for these pics as there are about three newspapers wanting the story. Also going to have to track down on people and contact radio stations this afternoon, but the combination of drills, saws and whistling isn’t going to be a very professional background noise.


How was your weekend? Hub wasn’t well during ours but because he got better, I was able to enjoy it, yesterday Waggs and I went out to search for a new route and she did it perfectly. I was so proud of her.


OK, I thought my grocery shopping was due now, so will go and check as if so, where is it?

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