
Sunday 28 February 2016


I think it’s time to close my computer down totally. I have opened a new document to write this and it read “Document 29.


I also need to tare myself away from my lap top as I have answered seventeen emails from you today and loved every one of them I could write forever that is for sure. But it makes me unavailable for my loved one. Mind you, he has been listening to the rubbish sports station on the radio today. I can’t stand sport. Unless it’s something like skiing. Haha. I just think I like the thought of snow and tree’s and the feel of the breeze of the snow wind against my face.


I have written before when I went skiing with the head of the KGB when I was a child in Moscow. I didn’t know he was that until afterwards. It was our friend who told me as he was her friend. He was a very tall guy called Sergei. I wondered how we got permission to ski where we went especially not to be stopped on the way in transit or told we couldn’t be at that part of the huge hill through the forest. He was a lovely man, not at all intimidating. I was about eleven. Until eleven, we did nothing socially we just went for treatment and stayed in the awful hospital. When I was tiny I stayed on my own but my Mum refused to allow that to happen again. Thank goodness. I would never wish that experience on anyone. Six weeks of hell. One good thing came out of it. I learned to speak Russian.


OK my lovely Son in between beautifying himself has just popped into the office where I am typing and turned on the speakers where now I have beautiful classical music playing. It is lovely. I could get used to this.


Teen been at work all day now shower, shave and hair dryer is on this normally means he is out and about… The hair thing I mean. You should hear the plans he has for his birthday? Wow, the queen would be proud. Three days of events. I’m pleased when he is happy.


I have just got in from our garden where I went to empty the bin we burn papers in. Gosh, it’s like a blooming crematorium out there. When I have the bag full of ashes. Time for smoky mountain again soon we have some boxes we need to get rid of. But out there is like ice flowing through your bones. Now in, hot chocolate and heating on nice and cosy. My lucky Brother in law in Australia all warm and sunny. Mind you, I love the different seasons we are supposed to get in England. Only thing is, our weather has forgotten how to do that. We seem to have winter and summerishes,. With a capital Ishes. Smile.


I did it last night, night eight without eating before bed. Night one two and three were OK, four was difficult and five, well, I got worried. I mean, I was in agony. I have never felt such not only hunger, but pain. I could have got up from bed and made some food, or even ate some tomatoes, but no, I held off and I’m pleased as night six was challenging seven I thought and longed for food but last night was easy. Easy? Really? Did I just say that? Perhaps I should reflect and say OK? No. I really found it easy, now will it be tonight? All I can say is it is the most time I have stuck to some kind of food plan with restrictions for years and years.


I had to laugh as it was sunny this afternoon, so Hub and I took a break for less than twenty minutes as we had lots to do but as he took a coffee me a delicious not so slimming hot chocolate outside on our seat in the sun, we were talking about swimming and he said that I wouldn’t go swimming so I replied, well, I will be slimmer in the summer. His response shocked me, as he replied. “Let’s be realistic?”

Cheeky monkey. Well, I guess I was drinking hot chocolate, but, I wasn’t eating any crisps or bars of chocolate. I mean, fluid, comes out fast right? Haha.


Can one of my Bloggets who can see tell me please is this font OK? I had a lovely lady today tell me that the font was too faded for her to see it. I mean, I have gone into font size and whatever and I need an ology in Latin to understand some of the font titles. Thank you in advance.

OK off to watch TV with Hub. Love till later x

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