
Saturday 6 February 2016


 Well this weekend was going to be an adventure and an adventure in my world is going to our town. Smile. Waggs was told last night just to prepare herself.


 Early this morning as the rain pounded against our windows, Hub told me he was really in agony. I thought he had something wrong like a burst appendix. Looks like it’s some kind of stomach flu.


So to cancel town? Or to ask Teen if he would take me? The thing is, I didn’t want to leave Hub but as the morning progressed I realised it wasn’t anything too serious, so off we went we would only be an hour anyway.


We drove there and I got seen right away.


I still hadn’t told Hub what I was intending doing. In fact I knew if I didn’t do it today, it wouldn’t get done at all.


My lovely hair dresser played with my hair as he always does. I told him that I wanted a change. I have been going to him for three years and each time I visit, I say. “Quarter of an inch please?”

Not this time…. I asked my friends “Mice!”

 Don’t ask?

What do you think I should get done to my hair? Their answer was a little bit of whatever you fancy but not seeing what people look like these days, I really didn’t know what to do. My Son said a bob and that is what the hair dresser said but, a bob? Really that is one hair cut that has been around since the seventies. It’s kind of never gone away. Teen said to get the Taylor Swift look. Well, I know who she is, but again, what is her hair like? Well he described it and basically, it’s a bob….. But longer at the front than the back.


The last time I had my hair cut more than a fraction, was seventeen years ago when  my Mum died. The penny has just clicked why I have done it again. Hmm. Bloggets, you will know too if you read my blogs a couple of days ago.


Well, I was so fortunate to day to have the massage chair. I have only had that once before and I love it. I really like getting my hair washed it’s such a treat as my hair is, long so it takes some doing.


I got to the seat where the scissors were and oh boy was I going to go ahead with it?


Teen had gone to buy tickets to go away for the weekend. So, the scissors came out, and before I had chance to say


It was off.


Seven inches of hair dropped to the floor.


How do I feel about it? Hmm. Not sure. My dresser loves it says it’s a completely different transformation. OK, good or bad? I hate not being able to see myself in the mirror.


One of Hubs colleagues is doing an amazing thing; she is going to be blind folded. To raise money for Guide Dogs, well, you may say, and? Many people have done that before, no, she is going to put the fold on before going to bed. So when she wakes up, she will not be able to see.


I told her about her make up? And to do it correctly, she will have to not look in the mirror at all and I think for a sighted lady, this would be a thought that would never cross their minds. I hope she does it I wish every person in the world would do this just as they take their fold off after 24 hours, I promise you, you will always be happy after that as you have such a gift better than the lotto.


Sight is the best thing you can have so do your best to look after your eyes and even if you can’t see, try to care for them as if there is ever treatment or better a cure, you will need healthy eyes.


Teen is having a great day and his weekend starts soon where he goes away till tomorrow. As for Hub bless him. He is not good. But no worse.


It’s still raining out there that kind of dirty rain.  So I am glad I went by car as my hair would have just been curly now.  I’m home and I went to Hub to see if he is OK? Then, asked him to feel my hair.


Oh heck. What was he going to say?

I was shocked at his response as he loves long hair but he said it was beautiful. And the sound affects he made whilst looking, like wow, that is different and so on, I know he likes it but I thought he would shout, sulk, anything.


So I didn’t get my pasties from the bakers sadly, as a car in our town is stupid. Most people take other forms of transport. You can’t get parked, you can’t drive on some roads after a certain time and there are one way streets all over. Not to talk about the volume of traffic.


So to walk the bakers was about ten minutes away but we had nowhere to park.


My lovely Brother in law will be half way to Australia now. Hub spoke to him by phone last night. It’s such a long way. About twenty hour’s flight. I’m not sure if I could do that. I have had that many falls on my knees they are smashed. If I sit for a long time in the same place, my knees lock. The pain in them is dreadful.


I so wish he had moved to blooming France then I would be there every couple of months to see him. But Au? I wanted to phone Dad today to see if he is OK, but Hub told me to leave it this morning and call tonight, today will be so difficult for him. I wish to God we lived closer. If we could drive, it would be no issue, but a taxi, then train, then either him to pick us up or a taxi to his house. It would be about two hours plus but by car, forty five minutes.


He has friends so I’m sure they will be there for him. And we will call him every week.


Going to miss the big guy though.


Right going to cook something for teen before he heads off. He has a great time planned. He is so happy these days. I love it. He is upstairs getting ready singing and that is the lad we remember before you know who.


Some words before I go.

“The hair is the richest ornament of women.” Martin Luther

“Violet will be a good colour for hair just at the same time that brunette becomes a good colour for flowers” Fran Lebowitz


“A hair in the head is worth two in the brush.”Oliver Herford


How about this one? Grey hair is a blessing. Ask any bauld man….

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