
Monday 15 February 2016

beth wright medor art work

OK I have a friend called Beth Wright Medor I have spoken about her before. She has the same eye disease as me but she can still see. She is an artist. The variety of her art is incredible. She painted me a picture of a dark blue sky with twinkling stars a piano with a dancer reaching to the moon in a long floating dress. She was dancing on the keys of the piano. She has painted countryside and seaside. But her latest painting is wild I love it it for sure is thinking out of the box. In her words, her description, it’s over to you Beth.

“This painting is in dark reds and burgundy. In the background it looks like waves of fabric. To the left is a clear vase of roses. There is a wine bottle pouring wine into a wine glass and the wine is swooshing over the rim. There is a single red rose lying next to the glass. It kicked my rear and there were even tears BUT I finished it and I am happy.”

 Not sure if this will work but her link?

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