
Friday 19 February 2016


Gosh if I wasn’t stressed at the start of the week I for sure am now. But jogging on…  

I think I’m going for a nice hot bath. If I enjoyed wine I would be downing a bottle. It’s after eleven in the evening; so far I’m not wanting to eat anything. This is good. If I manage to get to bed without food again tonight, that would be amazing. Two days or I should say nights without supper. Even a snack. Seven thousand and forty one to go….


We tried to call Dad earlier but he was out so will phone tomorrow and see how he is.


Oh gosh, I must tell you this. I went to our shop earlier today and battled through the smog. The traffic was at standstill along our road of hell. It was only three in the afternoon too hub came with me as he is off work and allegedly on holiday. Well, as Wagga passed by the endless vehicles we turned the corner and I thought it was odd Hub and the Little Fella was not right behind me. So I waited. And waited. Oh, no, then I thought is he having a doodle? LF that is, not Hub.


Then I got scared. Had hub fallen? I began to shout on him like a loony. I felt sick. Anyway, I thought, I will go to the shop my Son had my card today, long story anyway I thought if Hub has stopped to pick up a poo. He will catch me up if he has hurt himself I will leave my groceries at the till and go looking for the wounded one and after I take care of him, and rob him of his credit card to pay for my abandoned shopping. For on lookers my face was a picture of worry. I entered the shop and naughty Waggs clipped me on the edge of the door so I turned around and made her do it again, this time just missed and got in OK.

A very quiet voice asked me if I was alright. I answered as I was still in a state with a missing Hub. “Oh, could you walk around with me please?” Then a lady answered, I’m here. I recognised her voice. Took her arm and got all flustered and asked her did I talk to a customer? Oh I was so embarrassed and said sorry to the quiet voice as the voice said.

“It’s me you fool?”

Oh gosh.

 What was Hub, doing there and where had that voice come from? Hahahaheheheh.


It wasn’t funny.

My morti has never been so fied. Yep, once again mortified Fi went around the shop getting what I needed. I couldn’t believe firstly hub went past me on the way to the shop and I hadn’t even heard him, secondly, I didn’t recognise my own Husbands voice? Hahaha. And thirdly I didn’t stop there. Oh no. As the lovely assistant asked me what else I needed, I said.

“Cheese, please, Louise.”

She answered in a serious voice.

“It’s Lynn!!!!!

Oh, my days? I just replied as I realised this person not only had a sense of humour bypass, but she didn’t know our famous little rhyme. I just said. I know, but Jane doesn’t rhyme with cheese. She remained pan faced.


Then I remembered Hubs naughty little trick. I had to get potatoes and Hub had his rucksack to carry what we needed home. I tell you Bloggets, I got the biggest sack of spuds in the entire land of spud land.


(Note to English students. Spuds = potatoes.)


We walked home the difficult way too it was a very long way around. Smile. He still got home before me. Really, he walks so fast and the Little Fella just loves the speed of life.


Well whilst the winds are howling and my stress levels are growling, Teenage children who think they are so grown up are annoying, I will close the curtains in the land of Bloggets now and run some hot water then say hello to my pillow. Goodnight for now and wherever you are in the world, when it’s your time to sleep, do it with an empty mind. Sadly not sure mine will get much rest tonight and I know that Hub has been stressed out over a little person this week too so here’s to next week? And I hope not to have any more stupid stories of my foolish behaviour and write words to inspire, haha. Or perhaps not and probably I will be back with ridiculous events.


This week was meant to be a huge change for me and barriers have got in the way. But the penny has dropped and is rolling in the right direction. Nighty night xx

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