
Saturday 13 February 2016


Greatness. What is greatness? Is it a matter of opinion as far as the individual is concerned? What is great to one person may be insignificant to another.


When subjected to hatred, what is then the answer to one’s happiness?  Again, to some, happiness joy excitement may be of great sadness to another and leave them with feelings of boredom and whatever may delight one person may be so dull to another!


Some people fall in love and as on lookers we may hate that person who is receiving the attention. How can one person receive such love from one, an yet hate from the second person? If one can succumb those feelings of despair and negative energy, then that person shall be able to find greatness in the ability of a free mind a clear conscience and relief in moving forward. To that degree true greatness depends on total wisdom. And who are we to define wisdom? I mean, wise words, a wise person, if there was such a mind as a wise one, surely we would all respect that mind and bow to their every word?


These are simply words then. Such feelings to one person may be important and to another irrelevant. When we learn and are able to deal with such mixed minds, values and opinions, we will then learn to live in piece.




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