
Thursday 21 November 2013


I am now excited. My friend almost didn’t make the train, now she has, just, as it was running late. I might have known. Very lucky. So I can relax and just wait with the kettle on. I have put the little gifts for her Grand Son on her bed. I bought him a lovely jumper, with a snowman on, a fireman Sam truck and a huge floor jigsaw puzzle and some books with the story of fireman Sam. I hope he will like them; he is not quite two yet. My friend I bought her some dvd’s. One of them being the white queen. I loved it Hub and I watched it when it was a drama on our TV and knew our friend from Russia would too, well, we can hope.

Interest’s rates are staying low in the UK. Thank God. There was a fear that they wouldn’t.

Do you know that a British Doctor receives the same money in two days, as Doctors in Bulgaria do in a month?

It was on our news that almost all Bulgarians, want to move to the UK.

The thing is, where on earth are we going to put everyone?

It’s ok them saying that from next year when they come here, they will not ask for benefits, they will “work for their living. Fine, but then where do the British people find jobs? There are not enough for British people.

When Bulgarians were asked why they want to move to England? Answer?

More money. Money has too much to say for itself.

OK, I shall go now and put the last lot of washing in the drier. Take care my friends. X


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