
Tuesday 12 November 2013


You know after the dreadful times the Philippines are having with their deathly weather, it got me wondering. A rather controversial blog. I think now, that there are some parts of the world, which should not be inhabited.

I mean the Philippine’s, have suffered 20 typhoons this year alone.

Does that not say such a place should not be lived in? There are still parts of the world where no one lives, like parts of Canada and Russia. It’s so sad what has happened over the past few days and if no one lived there, could be avoided.

To have one or two natural disasters a year is bad enough, but twenty?

Something doesn’t add up.

My heart goes out to the people who have lost their loved ones. I just don’t know how I would cope/go on in life if I was without the two men I love in my life.

Here is some news I found of interest today.

Dozens executed after watching foreign films in North Korea. South Korea's JoongAng Ilbo newspaper reported that the co-ordinated public executions took place in seven separate cities earlier this month

“Absolutely disgraceful in my opinion.


Twenty nine people have been killed after a bus collided with a truck in South Africa's Mpumalanga province north-east of the capital, Pretoria.

 “Well, my Husband has not long been back from that city and he was shocked at how the car in which he was travelling, deliberately aimed at a black man walking on the path. So I would not be surprised if the truck was a white guy and the bus had black people in it.


The makers of a cockroach electronic "backpack" which allows humans to control the movements of the insect via a mobile phone have unsurprisingly come under fire for what some see as a pseudoscientific way to mistreat animals.

“Awful, as where does it stop? Controlling dogs, stopping horses from running? Lions from running or roaring and monkeys from climbing?


Two midwives responsible for a sick woman's four-day-old baby lay the child on its stomach and left it in a stationery cupboard, a tribunal has heard.

“Oh God, was the Mother too ill, to ask where her child was? Did the staff not hear the child cry? This is barbaric.


A drug that mimics the effect of alcohol without creating a hangover is being developed by a former government adviser. Prof David Nutt said the discovery would lead to a revolution in health.

“Why can’t we do a study into why we need alcohol so much?


Researchers from the University of Edinburgh say they have discovered a way of predicting who is at greatest risk of a heart attack.

“Well, why did they not pay me to tell them. People who are overweight, people who smoke/drink and those who do not do exercise is a good sign.


A performance artist has been detained in Moscow after stripping naked and nailing his scrotum to the cobblestones of Red Square in a protest

I have been to Red square about a hundred times, but I can tell you, I have not nailed my bits and bobs to the cobbles. Oh God, that makes me feel rather queasy.


Later Bloggets, but have a think about what I said at the top, interested in learning what you think? X

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