
Monday, 12 November 2012


By Fiona Cummings

A seed was planted without love,

Just thrown in the ground from high above

Trampled over and starved from feed and water

Left to survive, like a lamb to slaughter

Spring time came along

And it all went wrong

The seed began to grow

After fighting the harshest winter of snow

All on its own, up high on a mountain

Surrounded by beauty, of sun and Gods fountain

Because of the warmth and raindrops

The seed created wild crops

Spread to the low land

Away from its nature

Hanging onto life

On the backs of all creatures

The winds came and gales blew

But the seed didn’t disappear

It stuck like glue

Living with fear

 Stinging, like a salted tear

On the tall fragile stems, grew flowers

Forming beauty, throughout this land of ours

Chilling blades of an icy knife

Nothing could end this wild fragrant life

Now the seed has become old and week

There is nothing left of the was once bloom

So sad, there are   no words left to speak

Just old photos of a hungry field

Waiting for seasons, life to steel

No heart beet, no motions to feel

No life from the mountains

Just tears, for the fountains!


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