
Monday, 26 November 2012


Well, I am back from the torture chamber of the dentist. My Black beauty worked well going there, and we were ready for the rain, well, I was, BB was begging to stay in.  Teen has been off school, silly boy over exercised yesterday. Got in from seeing his posh friend in the town, where he had a Cappuccino with her in a coffee bar. He said it was lovely to spend time with some classy company? Hahahaha. He obviously has not been out with me for a while?

So she is a posh girl, who apparently talks like the queen and goes to a private school.

Well, when he got home, more exercise was in order, he is obsessed with his body. His so called six pack! So sit ups again. The last time he  over did them, he was really ill too. So all night he was shivering and in agony. Well this morning, I did not know if it was the awful stomach bug going around, so I could not risk him going to school. He was in a bad way, but cruel Mum, told him, he could have a sleep in, but not all day and he must do loads of  revision.

Well that was then? It is tea time, he is still in pain, but he is going to school tomorrow, no matter what.

I am chilling after my ordeal to the dentist. I brushed the wet leafy trees and found all the puddles. It is so cold and so very dull and has never stopped raining since  Saturday. BB, did really well again getting there. When we got there, she was great in the waiting room. I sat and people listened. It was interesting, The radio was all about Burma and the difficulties they

                are having there, then there was a live broadcast from a cafĂ© in Burma, a group there, doing a cover version of Oasis inBurminese/English? OMG? It was not what you needed to hear whilst waiting for the dentist? People behind me, were arguing over how much they were having to pay for their teeth repairs? Haha. By their voices, they could afford sigaretts though?

Then there  was a lady, I think? Very deep voice.  If she wasn’t drunk I will eat my rain coat.

It was so funny, she stuttered some words, the receptionist obviously did not know what she was talking about? In the end, it was established, that she would have to consult with her diary, to see if she could fit the dentist in to her busy schedual? Hahahahaha. I’m not being awful, well, perhaps I am, but I think she would have to work her times around the pub closing times?

Then there was toilet gate! Well it was surprising how many people needed  to use the loo, unless they were brushing their teeth, but the toilets were out of order, so they had to use the accessable toilet, now I have never heard a disabled toilet called an accessable toilet? I mean, what does that mean, the other toilets you have to clime over a wall and walk through a ring of fire to get to? If one  kind of toilet is accessable, what is the other one, inaccessible?

       Then my name was called, I swear my Black beauty knows my name, as for half an hour, she lay so very still, in her puddle of rain water, then when my name was shouted by the sweet dentist lady/twelve year old girl, ha, BB, stood up and walked to her. I have to leave her behind the reception, with the lady  there. She loves her and my BB, is so cute and calm, she lays there, unlike Long chops, who would be almost sitting on her knee, answering the phone?   

Then time to go home, Oh that was awful? It was raining so hard and I really got disoriented. Before I knew it, I again for the second time in BB’s life, we were in the middle of the road. God knows why she does it? It was sooooooooooo scary. A car came behind me and I knew by the sound I was too close to it? Then as I moved to the right, a car came towards me. Oh, God it was terrifying?

 So I just walked quick until I found a kerb, but the street went on and on. As I realised, we were going down a side street, Oh, God, what am I like, I found a step, and made sure there was a hedge on my right and continued in the right direction. I  was exhausted though, as It really freaks you out when you learn how close I could have got to death? I mean, the blooming cars did not slow down,  I wouldn’t care, but I passed some women standing at the bus stop? Wouldn’t you think, that one of them would have shouted, “Hoy, loony, you’re going to get yourself killed? But no.  

So when I did get home, I just wanted a hug and a cup of tea. But I made the tea and just shook inside  instead!

Now my friend has gone home from my home town, I really miss her. For a month I have been on my own and this weekend she comes and so does my Brother in law, haha. Like the busses that all turn up together? My Bro in law, is great we get on so well. Well friends, what do I have to talk about this week to you?  

Oh, my first marriage, ha, God, that will be a tough one? Yep, may start off by arranged marriages, as I often feel like that is what mine was, either that or a nightmare? Ha.


Hub away on Wednesday, if trains will be on? He is in Parliament. Sleep well tonight and I really hope you are all warm and dry? I think the UK people, will soon develop flippers to swim in. x

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