
Monday 9 March 2015


For most of our history, lives have been solitary, poor, brutish, violent nasty and short.


Us humans have existed in our modern form for about 200,000 years you could take someone born in 150,000BC bring them to our times and they wouldn’t look a lot different just as though they were into fancy dress. People back then were as far as we can tell, just like us. Though their lives were incredibly shorter. For 99.9% of our species, existence, a new-born baby, could expect to live on average, till the age of thirty.


So where do we go from here?


Well, when I was a little girl, elderly people lived til they were about seventy or just a few years older. Then people we knew lived till they were eighty, and now, it’s not uncommon to live until you are well into your eighties. So in a hundred years’ time, if we haven’t killed each other by then, I bet we will live until we are about 125?


So is this possible? Will our land stand for it? Not sure, but I have a theory. I have always believed we came from another planet. I mean, all this about us evolving from the ape, I can’t understand if this is the case, how come there are still monkeys and how come they are not still turning to look like humans? What or who put the plug on the stoppage of turning the monkeys off to continue looking like us?


I think if we came from another planet, because we managed to spoil what we had there too, just like we are doing now, perhaps for want of a better term, we mated with monkeys? Who knows, but I am sure we didn’t evolve from them. Ancient caves show carvings of space like rockets and men with helmets on. No way were their imaginations so good and advanced. They either saw something or they know that is how we came to this earth. Or how about this theory? A new one I only came up with the other day. Over dinner. As you do.


Hub and I were talking about a program we were watching about the tall buildings that have stood their test of time and been around for so long, way long before we had equipment to reach height. How did they do it and why did we have limited tools some years ago too? I mean, from amazing architectural designs, to using cave like tools. As though we went backwards in time as far as work tools were concerned. So what if we are on a big wheel? If we destroy this planet, and there are but few humans left on it, there is nothing as far as tools are concerned as we have blown it all out of this earth. We will once again have to start from the start and build with whatever we have left from our disaster. There may be a few buildings left. They look so modern. But we build mud huts as we don’t have the experts or equipment to work with. It’s all been destroyed.


With shock or whatever, we forget and can’t pass on stories. So the future doesn’t know what has gone on. After thousands of years, again we catch up to where we are now. With treatments and aircrafts space travel and so on.


We quiz how and why? How did those buildings get built and how did we come to this planet earth?


The question is if this is right, how far did our first world gets to and will we catch up before we destroy again?


OK, I have too much time on my hands, or I need a break away from the counselling session I gave this afternoon. I need an escape. To clear my head of an others sadness.


But I just can’t get it out of my mind how did ancient people reach the highest buildings like   Lincoln Cathedral England. Built in 1300 destroyed in 1549 it’s 525ft about 160m

St Olifs church in Estonia, built in 1519, over 500ft there is also in the UK St Pauls old Cathedral built in 1240 was 493ft

Salisbury cathedral UK, built in 1320 at I think just over 400ft

 Church of Our Lady, in Belgium was built in c 1400 how about La Banta Temple Guatemala 236ft and was built in 300BC  

And of course the pyramid of Khufu, Egypt, built in c 2570BC  

 is the height of 481ft.

Pyramid of the sun in Mexico built in 100 and finally The Coliseum in Rome built in 80  


Now I know that these are not the oldest and tallest in the world but are some of them just what I can think of but of course more educated historians will be able to note more and with better statistics just trying to give you food for thought, I so wonder how they were created. I mean, they say they used ropes and so on, but I think that is the easy answers. My theory is something to ponder on if any of this makes sense as my dog is squeaking the loudest toy in the world the whole time I am writing this.  And she is moving my fingers as I type pushing keys that don’t belong. I’m typing and she’s joining in. My bird, canary, is singing too. So throughout the madness of the Fifi household, I’m basically trying to ask you if you have ever thought of our planet as though it’s been here before.

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