
Wednesday 20 July 2016


 My blog I wrote the other day about how things have changed since I was at school, and don’t you cheeky Bloggets answer the wheel? Got me started thinking, now the last subject on this page is scarily close, but first, in the next five years, what will we see as far as tech changing, what will disappear? Items we use every day due to new inactive technology and method.


The next five years I’m sure will unleash products that we can’t even imagine now days. That is how fast technology moves on. Question is, what tech will not be here in five years?


How we pay for things is changing faster than we would ever think about, I mean you wave your card in front of the machine now and you have payed. No pin numbers needed, and as for cheques, hardly anyone is using them now. I was a strong advocate for cheques, but if I’m being honest, it’s been about a year since I used my cheque book. Three quarters of people under 35 use on line banking and a chunk of those have never written a cheque.


Electronic payments are the future. It’s said that cash will become a thing of the past in the more distant future. I think that is sad. How much fun do children have and it’s a good lesson, for them to count their penny’s, sadly now days’ mind you, penny’s? Kids I fear will put thumb to four fingers as if shuffling paper if you hand them coins. But even now, I have a jar where by I save money and the satisfaction is so good to see it building up, where as a bit of plastic, I can’t imagine having that same thrill.


USB sticks, how much longer for physical media?

It’s written by 2020, 70% of the world will be using a smart phone. Cloud services like drop box, Apple, Google and Microsoft offering almost unlimited storage at very low costs. So no need for other storage devices to take up room in your pockets.


Passwords? It’s also said that the average person has about 19 passwords. Count yours, are you average? Smile. I’m not. I must be below average haha. As I have about six. My Poor Hub for work has to change his every month and it can’t be at all similar to his other passwords in the past year or so. How on earth do you remember them all?


Half of us admit to using weak passwords, but they say that even the most complicated passwords can still be cracked.


Biometrics are becoming more mainstream, especially on mobile devices which is now the most access point for most of our online activities. Fingerprints, voice and facial recognition will replace your first cat’s name and wedding anniversary as the way in which you access your account.  So no more passwords? Same they say for keys to your house etc. They will be linked to you biometrically through your smart phone for example. Funny thing is, about five years ago I said to people one day in our life time for sure, we will have different microchips in each finger. One will open our car, one our front door and other will pay for items. Well, we are not there yet, not as in on our person, but for sure we are still heading there, just faster than I expected.


Oh I like this idea. There is nothing more frustrating than wires for me, but remote controls come a close second. Getting cranky, chucking cushions clambering to grab your remote, only to discover that you have found the wrong one.


The research firm Strategy Analytics, say that building extra remotes will be a thing of the past, and voice recognition is the future.


Paper signature contracts, and paper processing, needing to print, scan are becoming archaic, in today’s digital world. We will rely on cloud agreements. Sounds so space like. And daunting.



As for clothes, well, apart from a few styles, it’s mainly patterns that have changed. Some colours too. In the future I imagine we all will wear white, or may be some kind of metal so we wipe ourselves down rather than put things in the washing machine.


Well, what do the experts say? It’s looking awful I must say, 3D printing for our clothes? Clothes that will check your heart beat, breathing rate and count your steps? Oh gosh, no, so today I will wear my biometric blouse!


A London based science firm, now, those two words already have me wondering, (Science based)

Are creating clothes that can change colour via an ap.


Google are working on jeans that will allow you to turn on your lights at home, take a selfie and turn on and off your mobile.


Tommy Hilfiger’s jacket can power up your mobile phone with solar panels. In the future it is written our bodies will charge our phones. Imagine ladies over a certain age, having the dreaded hotties? Haha. So hot they will be charging phones all over the place. Clothes in the future will change the temperature according to how hot or cold you are.


Designers are working on fabrics that will change as in a long skirt can become short and that tight necked collar will become loser.


So if I have it right, in the future my dress will be able to shorten for a night out, cool me off it I’m hot, change colour because I just want to and charge my mobile phone




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