
Thursday 28 July 2016


Good day Bloggets. Well I was up early today running around the house like a headless chicken, and don’t get me started on headless creatures, as the below words are simply horrific. and woke my Son as he was to go to the zoo today. Now he had his alarm set, but he turns it off and goes back to sleep… He is going to a zoo where there is a cave with bats flying around… That would be me out of there but if you can stand it, I guess it would be an experience not to be missed? It is a two-hour drive there and obviously same two hours, back. I hope he loves it. I’m sure he will. Tomorrow and all weekend he is working. He has filled in application forms for other jobs, but as I have said, on paper he is no different to others, I just hope he will get something soon?


He spent ages yesterday helping me to set up my new phone…I don’t think my hub was impressed as he wanted me to do it on my own, but seriously, why? Smile… Not when I have a tech genius to my right. I don’t want to hate my new phone like I ungratefully hate every other bit of tech Hub buys me. I always end up loving it, but oh boy, before hand? It just scares me… Even our TV I swear I want to get the televisions back where by they have buttons and they are on, off, volume and channels, all on the telly, I don’t mind standing up to turn the TV over.  The funny thing, as soon as my phone was set up, it went right back in it’s box… And I’m keeping my old ancient one that hardly works now, just for emergencies!


Oh yes, thank you for reminding me. I was going to tell you about Teen in the car? The other night, and this is so worrying, he was driving along a dark road. There was a car that had been following him from town and he thought it was the Police. The dreaded feeling I’m sure set in as Teen saw in his mirror, the blue lights. Teen pulled over, thank goodness the car overtook and teen continued to drive. He passed the same car pulled up some moments later.


It wasn’t a police car. But two youths joy riding. With illegal blue lights on their car.


I asked Teen did he take down the registration? He said no Mum why? I told him, there could be a young girl who stops as she thinks it is the police, and the rest is history.


I could almost hear his mind ticking away, but what was also in my mind, was the fact, it could be him? But I know if I had said that, he would have built up a defence. I would have emasculated him.


My big meeting this morning, went well, almost better than well. More in the future about that but I pray it will work out!


As for my job application? Well, I’m so on the fence with this… I have written my CV and it looks good. Not sure if that is what a CV should look like, but reading this, I would employ myself? Smile, OK, maybe not for that particular job, but you know?


I weighed myself today and I have lost half a lb in two days. I can deal with little numbers as long as it’s in the right direction. So in a week, 2 and a half lbs. If I continued that, that would be ten lbs in a month. That would excite me.


 I was just reading a blog that has been read by three viewers today, it is scary I only wrote it in February this year an yet I can’t remember writing it at all? Gosh, seriously, my memory is worrying me? On that note, glad to see there is a breakthrough in Alzheimer’s today in the press. I was reading about a tablet that you take twice a day, called LMTX. It sounds promising it’s a study that has been carried out on humans for fifteen months and has proven to be successful. Here’s hoping as what a dreadful thing to happen to a family, to see such a wonderfully strong mind reverse in such a cruel way.


So, what else caught my mind in the news?

A genetic study in the UK, reveals that Yorkshire people are more Anglo-saxon

, and East Midlands is more Scandinavian. The average brit is 37 per cent British, with the remaining genes coming from European ancestors.


A mysterious purple orb has been seen at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. You know my theory? I believe there are beings on other planets and we always look up, we have not discovered the bottom of the ocean fully and certainly not under the sea bed.


Within five years, one in three operations that will take part in the UK will be performed out by robots. Gosh, not too sure about that? Mind you, if it’s between a robot or a very tired exhausted Doctor, perhaps metal Micki is the better option. But what will this mean? You see it on TV, as oddly enough, I don’t frequent operating theatres, The Doctor has to decide. It’s tense as she or he makes his life changing decision. Now then, whoever programs the robot, what if he she only gives the robot one option?  Scary stuff.


An evil woman was in fear she was going to be made homeless as she had two pet snakes, so she chopped the heads off them with knives and scissors. Oh gosh, I don’t like snakes, but to do that? I hope she ends up homeless in the middle of a bitter winter.

Harsh you say? Really?


There has been a bout of new breakthroughs for Retinitis pigmentosa, from Japan very close to growing eyeballs in the lab to phase II in other researches.

And a link at the bottom of the page.


A part of a poor cow is cooking slowly in my oven, whilst I will go and prepare my vegetarian food for dinner tonight. Just before I go though, some words.

One of my favourite words I love to see, or in my case hear, is the word cure. Whether it be for cancer, Alzheimer’s or one day I pray, to reverse blindness for all who wish for this. Cure, a simple word that has the muscles of the strongest person alive.


One day, please let there be a cure for blindness? I want to see my screen not just hear it. And see expressions. Go with my Husband to the zoo and see the elephants, not watch a black TV screen and hear a man talking about something that may make some kind of sound from a box. I want to see the joy in my Grand Childs eyes and pride in the eyes of my Son. And show my Husband how much I love him as he looks into my eyes.

I want to see flowers in my vase not just feel long stems in a vase without a pattern and drive to the coast for the day where we can write our names in the sand, and not for the beach to be a distant memory from my childhood, that leaves me with sadness as now it is, just a memory.


One day, one day please within my life time, lift the darkness and allow the light of life to appear.

Fiona Cummings




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