
Wednesday 13 July 2016


As I write this blog not even having much of a clue what time it is, something in between 3 in the morning and four a.m. I would guess, my eyes are as if razorblades are preventing them from closing an yet I can’t open them I’m so tired. I’m hungry too and I’m trying to fight that pain… Still downstairs so it’s going to be more difficult resisting where as if I were upstairs in bed, it would be a pain to come all the way down here…


It’s so weird without my Son home. I don’t like it at all. And not counting tonight, I have another six nights at least as it’s not clear if he gets back Wednesday or Thursday. I want the time to fly now please?


I had about three hours sleep last night and the night before no more than an hour and forty minutes. As for tonight? Well, depends what time I get to bed really. If it is nearer four by the time I lock up and put dogs properly to bed, turning off any lights, and that should be fun as for some reason, all day I have seen a sheet of white before my eyes. So are the lights on or off? Well, guess burnt fingers shall tell me? I don’t know how many hours I may get. Two?


Tomorrow may try to take a walk see if Wagga and I can find anywhere of interest… Somehow I think the most interesting thing we will find is a lane full of parked cars or a cat hiding in the brambles.


The weekend is said to be bad weather. Shame as we are spending it with our friend. Saturday and Sunday. Looking forward to seeing her. I wish I had more time with her. Would love to walk in some woods or a forest with Wagga, just to see her explore.


Monday I’m seeing Arty that will be lovely. It’s been so long since we saw each other. Loads of catching up to do. Talking of art, my last poem I wrote about dancing was inspired by my great friend Beth Wright Meador who painted my angels and sent me a painting at Christmas of a piano, with a girl dancing on the piano, as the keys went up to the sky with stars. So I kind of based it on that!


I would love another painting, I was talking about it to someone before and said I would love a fairy, with her pointy wings and floaty dress, pretty colours rich dark pinks vibrant teals and orange. She is balancing on one leg and reaching out to catch a butterfly whilst a minuscule pretty coloured bird is sitting on her shoulder. But then I love oceans too with wild crashing waves against the rocks and pebbles in the sand with a light house in the distance. I love mermaids too. Oh and Pegasus. I guess I want to live in a world where no harm is caused and innocence prevails.


The street is in silence, a rarity, and my house isn’t stirring at all. I hear the clock in the hall gently ticking and the odd sound from one of the dogs. But that is all. Time for my ears to recover after the dreadful sounds of the road during the day.


Two more days before that important meeting in our town. Big decisions to be made and signatures to sign, sadly not on a book signing… But a girl can dream.

Yesterday we had a viewer from Malawi. First time I’m sure for there. Looking at the stats, there are a lot of countries now who are kissing each other. And Mexico is just tipping its tows on the edge of the river with no return, smile. They have gone from number six, to number ten, talking of number ten, we have a new PM now at 10 downing street. Mrs May. I think politics is going to get interesting in the UK from now on.


Words before bed, well, before something, I think it’s looking like a slice of toast. Or, will it be  serial, hmm. I think the latter.

You have enemies? Good. That means you have stood up for something, sometime in your life. All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in one word. Freedom, justice, honour, duty, mercy, and hope.




Winston Churchill

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