
Thursday 14 July 2016


 It’s a beautiful hour today. I say hour as for sure the weather will change. This summer has been the worst I have ever known. In July we have had days like it should be in England in November. Yesterday it was a little hazy, sunny for a second every hour or so, raining and really breezy.


Normally in the winter I make hot food comfort food like casseroles with dumplings and oven hot bread and in summer we have lovely salads with everything chucked in and fresh fruits for dessert, well we have been trying by sticking to the same foods, but to be honest, it somehow doesn’t feel right.


Waiting in for yet another parcel. I wonder in my past life was I some kind of midwife? I say some kind, as it scares me to think that was my job, but for sure I must have always been waiting for a delivery of some kind. Smile.


If it was a promise of a lovely day I would walk to our park where there is a seat near the lake, but I would get there and I bet it would rain. Well will venture out with Waggatail later.


I must say, I’m not feeling any more awake with my vitamins, I thought I was the other day, but nope. Though that may have something to do with the fact that I didn’t get to bed until five this morning.


Yesterday I had a fun day of clearing out my robe. Oh my Lord. I filled two and a half huge bags of well, what some would call rubbish, I would say, em, things that may come in handy in the future. Trouble is, I said that two years ago. I would love to say that now I can see the wood for the trees, but I have a long way to go. My Bloggets in America, our robes are not like yours in the US, I will never forget our friends robe, gosh, it was a walk in room. I can hold my arms out and touch either side without stretching and it’s not as deep as the length of my arm. So that gives you some kind of indication the size of it. And today I shall continue. By the way, there were no clothes in those bags.


I excitedly went through my handbags to see if I could find a forgotten £10 or something like that, but no. What I did manage to get my hands on was a tub where I started collecting £2 coins, but when they became rare, it turned into 50p’s then 20’s. Well, that has been buried for a year. So now I can continue collecting the money and I have worked out that it will take about £300. So I may have it filled by my pension… And for you cheeky Bloggets, that is years and years away thank you…


Reading our news today, women in the UK are more likely to have a baby in their forties than teenagers and this is the first time since world war II

Hmm. Teen too young but forties? Too old. Far too old. Not only for health, but for your child’s future. Believe me, a child will be so worried about the health of their elderly parents and this is unnecessary stress for them. It’s good though in a way that kids are not having kids anymore, mind you I say good in a way, as I know of a lot of girls who have got pregnant but aborted. So a rather harsh form of contraception?


Day four of Teen on tour, smile, well he has just bought tickets to see one of his idles in concert. Craig David? He told me he had a booth a bottle and waitress included in that price. Oh, but most important fact, I asked him when he was seeing him? Answer? No idea Mum… Heck, I hope he has a bit of a clue before the show? Sounds like he is having a great time though, so happy for him. I adore that lad. So proud of him.  I did worry that once away, the cat will play and forget about this mouse and not text, but he has been great, every day, sometimes twice. I’m still getting up to expect to find a mess, but no, then I remember my Son is away, last night was tough, I missed him like mad, but he is happy, so I’m happy.


I guess I should go into our gym now? Not up for it today. Really not motivated, but I know if I don’t do it, it will be another failure. So I will love you and leave you but not for long…. Leaving you that is, oh, and not long in the gym. Smile. X


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