
Tuesday 12 July 2016


 Good evening just finished dinner. Very healthy meal, Hub and I spent the day together and our dogs got a big free run, so all fine and Teen enjoying his holiday. He text me to tell me he was wearing a pink floral shirt, necklace, flowers in his hair? Hair? What blooming hair, he has had it all cut off. Oh, and a Hawaiian skirt….

 And he was going out….



Whatever floats your boat Son. Smile. They are all dressed the same.  Tomorrow night is the booze cruise… Heck. He said the food is English food, so doubt that will be very exciting. Day two. Almost over.


Spoke to our friend today really looking forward to seeing her and spending the weekend with her. Bless her heart she spends her life working hard for her family who are all grown up now, but need her. As in doing things for them. I just wish I knew who did for my friend? Well, at the weekend, I will spoil her and Hub loves her so is looking forward to seeing her.


Tomorrow going to clean the guest room from top to bottom. Put away a bed that is in there and sort it all out.


Hub and I went to the gym today and worked for a short while. Hub on day two I swear has lost some weight. Grrrrr. Smile, seriously, I hope he has but how lucky is he?


I dream to walk our dogs on the beach, I dream so badly of being able to do that. If I ever become an author, I am going to buy a house abroad where there is a beach where we can feel the clean air and hear our dogs running free. The sea air is so good. Where we lived in Northumberland had the best beaches, just we didn’t get nice weather. Hub keeps telling me one day we will end up back in the north east… May be when he retires, not sure, but I love it here, I just miss the beach. But if we still lived there, I wouldn’t be able to go to walk there without sight.


Our children are to learn maths in schools the same way the Chinese children do. It’s said that teens in China are three years ahead of our kids. I think though that has a lot to do with the fact that for some unknown reason Chinese people seem to be more interested in maths than we do, it could be fish, seriously, fish is good for our brain, or it could be simple, Chinese children are calmer than our kids and can sit still long enough to take in the information.


Our Son was great at maths at school, but when it came to exams, he lost his cool and ended up with a C, he was an A student all the way until exam day. As I have said in the past, when I took my maths exam, it was hell as I can’t read Braille well enough to set exams and had to remember up to twenty numbers for the exam, so I also got a C, but that was a miracle that I received anything other than a great big F for failure. I received A’s and distinctions for everything but maths. And as long as I can count money and work out day to day things and finances, I’m fine with my C. anyway, C for cash, so that is OK, right?

Now I just need to learn where I can get some… Smile.


Sad about southern Italy today, a train crash killed over twenty people. I just don’t understand why it is law to wear a seat belt in our cars, aeroplanes but not on a train?


Questions for tonight.

If you were asked to persuade a company or just a singular person to do something that they didn’t want to do and you agreed with them, but you had to make them totally change their mind, could you do it? To be passionate about something that you were or are against as well, must be a challenging task, right? Well I have just been asked to do such a thing. I have to change someone’s mind, well not someone, but a bunch of people and I have the same mind frame as they do. Gosh, tough.


If you were asked to say ten words to make someone laugh, could you? I would find this easier. In ten words may be a challenge though. Those who know me will be shaking heads now saying “Fiona say only ten words? Impossible.”


Well I guess to do this I would start with writing down words that made me chuckle, but hang on, what if they made me, laugh, but not you? I mean, words that make me laugh, each time I hear them are words like (Moobs = man boobs.) I guess just the image of a man with dangling boobs. As for the word (murse = man purse) Again, a man with a huge lady’s purse in dusky pink to contrast his jet beard. So if we combined both to get a so the thought of seeing moobs with a murse, well that wood finishe me off.


I have another challenge tomorrow. Hub has an important letter to send. So tomorrow it is my job to put two first class stamps the right way, not wanting to put our queen on her head again, I mean at her age it would be wrong. Haha. And then write a really awful address out. Firstly, will the pen work? Will we ever know if it has, or not? Hmm. I will write the envelope out and then ask Tap Tap See on my IPod, see what the ap tells me. If it just reads “Envelope” Then I will have to try again, but hopefully it will say envelope with writing on. Gosh, I feel cold just thinking about doing this. If it were an address with three lines, but this has about five. And awful words.


People ask me how do I write print when blind?  Well, it has now been eighteen years since I last saw anything. So I go into the archives of my memory, never a good place to go and try to remember among the rubble in there what printed letters look like. Then take my invisible pen put it on an invisible envelope that is on an invisible table and try to get the words in a straight line and go underneath and write the next line without writing into the line above or without going down hill as I call it. I have a sweat on by the end. Then bite my lip until I know it has arrived. But it is my only bit of independence I can do for Hub, as he is the hero in our marriage. Smile. Just don’t tell him.



OK the night is closing its curtains, the air outside is so cold, cold enough for me to dream of a hot bath followed by wrapping myself in a   thick blanket, next to a log burning fire, whilst sipping on hot chocolate. This is summer UK’s!!! Until tomorrow with love. X

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