
Tuesday 19 July 2016


 Oh once again my stomach is killing with laughter. A good old belly laugh. Always to be had with a fellow Geordie. There is no sense of humour like people from Newcastle. It’s so different a humour that no one else gets, I don’t know why? More on that coming up.


Well, my day started with a phone call from a beautiful person. I was touched honoured and encouraged by what words she spoke to me has helped me make a huge decision. Her call combined with another two ladies, they know who they are, I have decided to go for something big. I’m ready for the drop that could follow it, but at least I can say I tried and not failed again. As many times I think that the F at the start of my name should be for failure.


This week has been a week of big decisions. Some good some sad. The sad one I made, has possibly been changed now due to three special people.


More on this over the coming weeks. You can go on a journey with me. Once again, I had thought too much about others rather than myself. It’s a problem I have. Sometimes you have to look out for yourself in this selfish world and the people who have shown me nothing but kindness over the past few days are a huge part of my life and I want to do this because I know I can help others and make a difference and because I need to do it and I’m doing it for all of you who just can’t right now in life. I know I’m talking in riddles I have had to do a lot of this with regards this subject of late, but soon I will be able to share a little more of my life with you.


Now my day other than the above. I was to meet Geordie my dear friend at half noon.  Let me tell you Geordie is a real beauty. She is tall and very pretty and wears beautiful clothes. The way in which I have been feeling of late, I have been lucky to get dressed at all in fact when my friend came to see us on Saturday, you should have seen me, I was like a bag lady and my friend Julie, also is very tall and elegant and extremely stylish. I wore very casual clothing and I told her I needed to change to go out. She told me I looked fine the way I was. This shocked me as never would I go out in such clothes. But I didn’t argue, I went out to a restaurant like that.  So when it came to Geordie coming, I was inspired to dress up. Or some would say down, by dressing up, I mean put on makeup that I know matches, all peach colours. I dared to wear my white skinny jeans if you remember me buying them? Teen wasn’t impressed at his Mum wearing such things with such a top, and Hub thought I was too old to be seen like this. The top is long at one side and shorter at the other. It’s a floaty material and it’s black with white painted writing on the front which reads. “Meet me in Mexico!”


The heat was turned up fully today so I had a very cold shower and opened all the windows as well as turning on the cool fan. Oh it took me ages to find these clothes, but in the end I did. I put on my makeup first so I wouldn’t spill any on my white jeans that were having their debut today.


A spray of my perfume I bought in France last year that smells of palmer violets. It’s a real summer fragrance. And my new white shoes that are kind of scalloped around the edging. Oh, I felt good, like I did when I was a real young girl. God only knows what on earth I looked like, just hopefully not mutton dressed as lamb. I think with my blonde hair I can get away with a lot, but you must remember Bloggets, It’s been 18 years since I last saw myself in the mirror. Smile…


The doorbell rang and it was Geordie. She is always kind to me always sounds genuine too, bless her. And for her to compliment me is something else. I’m always so proud to step out with her. And her car is so cool. Cool as in anything but temperature.


Well, I swear I hear things and my brain or have been known to translate words into English, but I do get it wrong. I was sure she said fancy going to the chip shop today, but no, fish shop? Turned into the farm shop, mistake number one. Oh yes, there are more to come.


As we decided it was cooler in doors than out, we found a table. Honestly the prices in there are day light robbery. £4.20 for a small slice of cake. £2 for a cheese scone and I dread to think how much for a coffee? But you don’t pay till the end so it was all relaxing. We were not hurried out and could catch up with weeks of not seeing each other.


Oh we have so much in common and because we come from a unique part of the country where our roots are important, we just blend together like coffee and cream.


Well, people came and went. And after three and a bit hours it was our turn, Geordie went to the toilet and as she left, I just happened to put my fingers along the neck of my MMIM top. Realising that the label was on the front, meaning, the writing was right across my back. Oh gosh. Heck. No.

Cringe moment came on. Where to hide, how can I turn this top the other way without anyone seeing? Answer, I couldn’t. Should I have gone to the loo? No, as everyone would have seen it and I would come out with it the other way.


On my friends return, through gritted teeth, I told Geordie, well, where was the sympathy that I looked like a tool? Nowhere to be seen. She laughed like a train. She said she had not noticed. I was beetroot and not with the sun.


We collected our stuff as in hand bags and walked out, on the way I called in the shop with her and bought a homemade mince and onion pie. Over £5 for it so I hoped it would be lovely for Hubs dinner.


Laughed as I came too close to a freezer but it was nice as it was too hot.


Walked out after paying for the pie and putting in my card only for the woman to hand the card and pie to Geordie, not me, though I put the card in the machine and put in the numbers, but you know, people’s ignorance.


Well, Geordie and I went in her car, drove home, she drove, not me, we had a laugh, but not that much of a one, well, not until we got home…


On the door step, we hugged. I love my time with her. We both had the same thought at the same time, and as she spoke I finished off her sentence.


“We had not paid for the meal.


Oh my days!


Oh I said to her it’s not like we are easy not to see or find on camera? Me with great big writing on my t/shirt, the wrong way, walking into the freezer and laughing all the way, I said we will be on the news tonight and all you will see is a poster of my shirt.


Well, long story short, she went back bless her and paid and the best thing, the lady had not even realised.


It was a great time loved it and now back to the heat, in fact I’m writing this in the garden. It’s so hot though I have to go in now to cool off. Teen text he is having a good time going to a party tonight and has been on a boat trip. Only two more sleeps thank goodness.


I wish I could have a bottle of Geordie every few days. She is one crazy lady but so sophisticated. My Son thinks she is a Yummy Mummy. I asked him in gest but with a serious face.

“Son, so, which friends of yours think the same of me?”

I can’t see, but I know the looks he gives me. Haha.


May come to my serious subject later, but it’s sunny so wanted to spread some smiles. With love till later. X

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