
Friday 27 February 2015


Have you ever wondered where you will be in ten years from now?

I have and it kind of excites me as well as terrifies me.


I know where I would like to be. Shall I tell you?


Well, for sure slimmer, though that would take a miracle. I would love to be writing to tell you all about the day I was at my Son’s wedding. Again, as I sit here now, another miracle will have to have occurred.

To tell you about my first Grandchild. How proud I am, and again, guess what?

Yep, you are getting the miracle thing now, right?


I would love to tell you that I have had many books published. Now that’s not too much of a miracle, I hope? Though some readers may think so.


Then the next Biggy. I bet you have guessed this one? The blind can see and the deaf can hear. Wow, again Bloggets, I don’t think a miracle I think it will happen in time. Only yesterday I was reading about the bionic hand and how the good old people in my home town of Newcastle are working on finger tips. So they can sense. They are quite advanced in stem cell for our eyes too.


So realistically?

Well, I hope my great Nieces and Nephews have established a bond with me as I have already with them. My brother will be in his early sixties. Let me tell you Bloggets, there’s a huu’uuge age gap between us. Hehehe. He will still be working as he is a work a holic. My Sister in law will be retired, though she’s not the kind to sit about so not sure what she will do with her days, unless she and I could be ladies who do lunch.

And dinner

And Supper, oh and if we are quick, breakfast? Because of course by then food will be so genetically modified, it will be calorie free.


My Hubs brothers are a few years younger than us so they will still be working. I hope not as much as they are doing now, as really, they work so many hours. Sadly not sure Father in Law will be around, hope so, but he will be in his late eighties, and a lot of my friends will have died as they are a load older than me. That will be awful. I do have a lot of friends my age and a few younger, one coming on Saturday. She’s only twenty two, so she may be married by then with children?

Magda, arrives tomorrow and I have done no housework for her arrival. I guess this means I’m more chilled these days right? Hahahaha.  Nope, just lazy. Having said that, I have done loads of washing this week and the normal dusting and cleaning floors, that’s all I do with two dogs. Also writing. I’m meeting someone today who wants so much written for them. I have already started on that but will have more to do for them.


So back to the ten year thing.

Will I still live here? I hope so I do feel at home now, though it took me two years to do so.


Our daughters may be married with children, oh that would be lovely. As long as their partners were good of course?


Driverless cars will be on our roads. Scary. And more and more people on our earth unless we have managed to kill many off by then.


There will be more treatments for cancer I bet and more diseases we have not encountered yet.


What would be amazing is we have all got some kind of shock that will kick us into submission. To realise we have to all live in peace. Then what a world we will have?


What will our houses be like? Hmm. A bit like the ones we have now, I think fast forward fifty years, electrics will be all different. There will be no wires.

Things like TV’s in ten years? Well, if you think about it, they haven’t changed too much but I bet we will have smelly telly by then. So if something is getting cooked we will smell it. Hehehe. Could have advantages? There again, if there is an agricultural program on, em, and the fields are getting spread with something undesirable?


In ten years, I think we will talk to our electrics. Washing machine for example, telling it to wash whites. It would be brilliant for us if the washer then says “Fiona, take out the red T/shirt? “  Or on the side of the washing machine it had an accurate colour detector. Kitchen gadgets are becoming more and more challenging for us who can’t see. Everything is on screen or touch screen.  How kind those designers who are reading this if you would take into consideration the blind in the kitchen please? Because guess what, we can cook. Honestly. All this about getting our MP’s to do a blind walk around the towns is great, but how about getting them to experience our kitchens?


Though Hub was tired when he got back from his overnight stay and late getting in, he still went on the treadmill and exercise bike in the cold garage at ten at night. Now that is dedication. Where can I get this from please?


He eats so little an yet puts weight on so quickly. But he has lost some from Christmas, only trouble is I have found it for him.


I’m getting excited now for teen’s birthday. Nothing at all planned, he had his boy’s day out last week for it and bless him, he’s working on the actual day, but I have managed to get him a couple of sweet surprises. Nothing major. He didn’t want jewellery that is what we normally buy for 18th and 21st birthdays, though he loves jewels.  or a tankard, and he didn’t want that, all he asks for is money for his car, hehehe. Well, he has had that twice over and spent it, so there’s no more left. The money tree has uprooted.

Anyway, he has to pass his test first. That is Monday. Oh heck, I’m scared for that. I want him to pass but don’t want him to drive just yet; I don’t think he’s had enough practice.


I love birthdays for other people, don’t like my own, but love my families birthday. We also have our oldest daughters eighteenth this year too.


Dinner tonight? Oh heck, I don’t know, but will cook something. Last night I made a huge pan of spaghetti and a oven full of meatballs with the best sauce full of cherry tomatoes.

And of course cheese for the spaghetti. Then Hub text me from the train to tell me he had something to eat on the train as he was starving as had no breakfast or lunch and couldn’t wait.  Ok, looking at all of the food.


Teen’s lunch. Yep, Goodness knows what it will be like cold, but teen has had cold spaghetti before with tuna and peppers. So we will see what he thinks tonight when he gets in.


If he eats all of that, he will be full.


He hasn’t been to the gym for ages. Just totally gone off it. I guess its winter and so cold getting there is a pain.


Okay. Must dash as my oven is beeping in that kind of guide dog whistle sound. I’m sure driving our dogs mad. As the kitchen door is closed so they can’t get to the whistle. Haha. Bless them. Why the alarm is off, not sure. Easily fixed though.


Take care Bloggets. Xx

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