
Sunday 8 February 2015


A cheeky quick blog. As my Hub is trying to battle with the office. He has banned me from there. Goodness knows what is coming out of there, but so far, two huge bin bags. This is how bad it is, almost three years ago we moved and I found a box that we had not emptied. Just with crockery in. So bin it right? As I haven’t missed it.

Em, nope. Fifi the haweder has found a place in her kitchen.

But I did throw a box out today you may know?

Okay, it was the empty one from the crockery, but, normally I would say

“Let’s put it in the loft and we could use it again for storage?


Well, it’s made it to the back door to go out. Let’s hope it will find its way there.


It’s sunny and nice outside so one of our dogs is laying in the living room just where the sun is on her. The other one has took herself back to the one bed we have left, the one bed she has not eaten yet.


Well, what a night last night? As you may have read, teen out all night.  He text me at ten past four this morning, after then I could sleep. But received a text from my Niece at half six, it was rather funny, my Hub asked

“What’s our Lynd’s doing up this early on a Sunday morning?”

How easily we forget what it’s like to have young children, then I laugh, I have a seventeen year old and I was up all night, I wasn’t even up when he was a baby.

Off to sleep again, then half eight, doorbell. This time a delivery. A bed for our girls, well, one of them as we have one already, this one is an inflatable bed.


Then about ten, I decided it was time to get up, teen came home. Hub was up too so felt the guilt.


Not as much as I do now, as he has just come downstairs and caught me chatting to you all. Hahahahah. I guess I should go back to work, but not allowed in the office so down here? Hmm. Boring. Though there is the guest room to do.

Oh and guess what’s for dinner tonight? Take away Indian food. Yes. No cooking for Fifi. So more reason to go off to work. Hope you are all well. Xx

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