
Tuesday 27 August 2013


Good morning Bloggets. I hope I find you well? Here I am in my conservatory. Waiting for Hubs birthday present to arrive. His birthday is not till October, but, I really panic about buying him gifts, as he is so hard to buy for and he always manages to find me such unusual things, I’m rubbish at present finding, so have to look ages before the event and of course it’s always over the net, so, have to leave room for disasters to occur. I really hope this one will be a success. Of course he won’t be getting it until his birthday, it’s small, so I will be able to hide it in my drawer. Sadly he will be in South Africa on his birthday, so will have to give him it when he returns. Oh my Lordie. You have no idea how wound up I am about let’s say, people who are challenged in the brain department. You know, if there are people out there with genuine problems with learning, then my sympathy extends, but when you just get idiots on the phone or in shops and people who on paper, are very clever but act so flipping thick, it really annoys me. What are they doing in work? OK, I called the council. A year ago, I phoned them to so called register with them that Hub and I are quotes, disabled. Of course we have to wear that badge, as we can’t say “Please ask the bin/rubbish collection people to put our bins/trash cans, back in our drive as we can’t see them when they are left on the paths and when it’s windy, they blow down the street, so there is no way to retrieve them. We have to be disabled and fit into a box. Well that would be OK, if that box didn’t leak. I have called them twice since my first call and today the third. How hard can it be? It gets written down on the so called system each time, but what happens with that system? God knows. Must get thrown out in the rubbish. So todays call to a wonderful spoken man, sounded very bright, first three words. After then, well he still had his perfect English accent, but the words he used in the wrong order and the way he was perfectly unable to listen, annoyed me so much. (Me) “I called a year ago for the first time to ask if you could ask the bin men to leave our bins/boxes back in our drive in front of the garage door, as we can’t see to bring them back. Still they are getting left on the street and path.” (Council man) “Do you have your reference number? (me) “No, sorry. (Council man) “Oh. Not sure what we can do now.” (Me) “If I give you my name and address, you will find me on your system.” (Council man) “Oh yes, we could do that, couldn’t we?” So I gave my details over and he could not find me. I said my sir name again, this time spelling it. He asked if the registration could be in another name? I said well, though I spoke to the council, he could try my Husbands first name and of course, we have the same sir name. I asked after a few silent seconds. “Is it under his name? His answer. “No, it is here. It’s in your name… OK, so why the heck he could not find it before? I told him I needed the bins put in front of the garage. I said we can take them to the top of the drive on the road, but need them brought back to the garage. He replied “Just so I have this right, you want them collected from your garage and left on the street? “No. The other way. We can take them to the place where everyone else leaves them, but we can’t find them to retrieve them so if the men could bring the bins back to our drive in front of the garage please? “OK, so I will write a note. Bring bin from garage and leave on path near drive.” No, bring back to drive. Then he said “They can collect from the garage too. I said, we can manage taking the bins, we just sometimes can’t find them and if we leave them next to the garage door, the bin men won’t collect them as they have to be outside the drive as we have tried leaving them before and they don’t collect. We are only asking them to bring back. Oh my God. This conversation went on forever. I can’t wait until our next bin day; they will probably put the whole bin on the waggon and drive off with it. Then another thing that really makes me cross. We were told that we would be entitled for a full refund, for our theatre tickets that was cancelled. I phoned up about it today, as of course, they didn’t call me about it. How come when we pay by card over the phone, the money gets taken immediately, an yet when you are due money back, it takes up to four working days? Did that then tried to sort out teens other two exam results, but, the schools are not answering the phones until they are back, though there will be teachers/staff at the schools. My boy is off to work now; he has a short shift today and tomorrow a long day with a double shift. Now I have to call my grocery shop, to tell them we are food missing, though we were charged for it. I just hope I get through to someone who can speek English? If I had shopped on line at a shop in Delhi, OK, fine, of course I would expect to talk Indian…. But considering it is a shop a mile or so away, in the UK, one hopes to talk with someone English speaking! Doesn’t help our phone is simply appalling. It was working well, until Hub set up again after the holiday, his work phone. Now it is crackling. I get cut off and it is not pleasant to talk through a monster crunching on the crispiest cereal down the phone. Haha. Well, that is what it sounds like. OK, grumble over with now. Well, for now, I’m sure there will be more later, if not on another day? Hahahahahahaha. Remember turn your frown upside down. X

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