
Tuesday 13 August 2013


I have had a really busy day today. A visit from a plumber, electrician and a carpet fitter. We went to the shop and bought a sofa. Sadly the one was not there that I saw with Beany a couple of weeks ago, but the one we got was nice. The one we loved was an obscene amount of money. We also bought our carpet. Brought the sample home and teen doesn’t like it. Oh well, it’s for our bedroom. It’s a nightmare buying things when you rely on shop people for colours, as after the third colour, they get really tired. It’s amazing how exhausted people sound or bored, after such a short while.

But the carpet lady was sweet, though we did have a funny moment of course. We would?

We went to the local shops. We had never been to the carpet shop before. We were told by a neighbour, it was just after the shop where Teen works.

I told Wagga, to find the door on the right. She did, what a good girl? We went in, we stood. We tried to feel discreetly, some racks of carpets. .

There were no people no sounds. Just desks.


Then a nice jolly man came out. He told us we were in the bathroom shop… He kindly came out with us and took us next door, to meet with the carpet lady Jan.

What a funny lady she was!

Then, she disappeared. We stood and waited. And waited. Then, she came out of the back room with me standing there with the samples in my hands still.

By this point, Wagga had lay down and fell asleep.

The lady, Jan, said

“Oh, I do apologise, I came over all peculiar. I took a funny turn.

OMG, not Ivy again?


Bless her; she had a voice like an advert. Real broad Yorkshire.

Over the top with her actions and expressions. Thank God we got out of the shop, before she fainted on us?

Can you imagine us two standing there talking away to the lady, then suddenly, nothing?

“Oh, Hub, where is Jan?

Then we realise, she has passed out. Down on honkers, feeling for her? Hahhahahah

Right, off to pack now, for London tomorrow. Hub and I are going by train, then to a Greek restaurant, then our hotel and then the theatre. Back the next day.

I’m sure I will have loads of adventures for you when we get back? Xx

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