
Monday 5 August 2013


 Oh it’s all happening now. I have two painter/decorators coming….. Like the busses. Wait for ages for one, and then loads come along. Oh but I’m excited to get my living room done. I simply love the wall paper I have picked for this room I write from tonight.

My Husband is watching a detective show. I love it. When he is home and watching telly, I am chatting to you and the dogs are satisfied with full tummy’s after their tea. To know my teen is home soon too. It’s a feeling of a comfy pair of slippers and a cosy carpet.

I love having my Husband home. It’s the best feeling. I can’t cope when he goes away. I hate it so much. He is home for another three weeks thank God, after then, a nightmare of autumn. This is when he will do about eight countries in ten weeks.

Someone said today, if you get paid monthly, you are only five pay checks away from Christmas day. OMG? When you put it like that, it’s rather scary?

All my pretty flowers in my garden have or, are, dying. Lack of a gardener.

I heard from my DD in the US today. Hub and I said a prayer for him on Sunday at church. We think of him all the time. I hope his neighbour Nancy, is looking out for him. She normally does, she is a great neighbour and thinks a lot of my English stolen Dad living in America, ha.

Oh a story now. DD’s wife, I call Yam, has gone on holiday to Mexico with her Sister, I shall call her Samantha, as she reminds me of a Samantha…

Yam, loves Mexico. I love Mexican people; I have told you how much I loved them when I used to go to Moscow. If ever there was a delegation of Mexicans in the restaurant at the hotel, we knew we were in for a fun night.

At least one of them had a guitar and the singing playing and dancing was the best.

Yam tells me of the colours in Mexico. The pottery and flowers. The way in which they decorate their houses. The cakes in the bakers and the restaurants where the food is amazing for  little money.

She has gone to a place where there is a huge lake and it is always lovely weather.

Sounds so nice.

So there is always a story with Yam. She and Samantha went there with Samantha’s dog, Princess. There was a problem with the dog at the airport, and they almost didn’t get her into Mexico.

Well thank God, they managed as poor little Princess belongs to Samantha. It is Samantha I want to tell you the Inspirational story about. You know me though; I go around the round about to get to the ending.

Well, to cut a long story short, the ladies got in their hired car to drive to where the apartment was meant to be, where they were staying.

It was late at night by this stage. As the flight was delayed and the doggy made her entrance into Mexico.

A man was to wait for them to open the gates for their arrival with the keys to the flat. Not just any kind of apartment, but a posh one, with a swimming pool and gym.

They went to the address, and there was nothing there.


They drove on and asked lots of people including a garage worker.

No one knew.

They ended up being escorted by the local Police

Hahahaha. Only those two could arrive in such style?

Lights flashing and an AK47 in hand

They got to their apartment and the poor guy still was waiting for them, two hours late.

He carried all of the cases up the flight of stairs. All ten bags.

Yam is there a month, and her sister, Samantha, forever.

She has moved there. Now this lady was living with a man, her x husband. An unhappy marriage. She was like a frightened doll, which couldn’t do anything for herself, apart from look glamorous.

Sam and I had such fun when we were in the US. I really like her. She is so funny and sweet. We had a great girly day shopping she talked to me on the way home, about life. Oh poor thing really beat herself up.

She has never felt worth anything or of any value. I wished I could have told her, how much she affected my day. She made my day so good. Without her doing that, I would not have such a great memory of a very nice and happy afternoon, where we bought clothes ate fudge and laughed.

She was her X husband’s shadow. Very dark and a couch potato. I know how she felt, as I was once and still some days, like that. She had no get up and go. Totally the opposite to her sister, my Yam.

Without going into any more detail,  when I heard she was moving from America to Mexico, I never thought she would be brave enough to do such a thing.

She was too controlled by her Husband.

Well, since then, she has left her x and of course divorced him, hence the x.

Now she is in Mexico. She has no relatives there, well she won’t have, when her big sister goes back home in a month.

She will stay.

So from being in her husband’s shadow, to leaving him, divorcing him and moving to another   country, she has come a long way?

A new life and start.

Now today, with our NHS, I got my ears fixed, and a hearing test, all for free.

My DD in the US, told me of a one night stay in a hospital cost $33,000

That is just obscene? Unless you have insurance, you are stuffed.

I have just been talking to him, glad to say he sounds brighter, though I am very concerned about him still, being on his own, and being so much in pain. He has so many hospital appointments over the next week, I just wished to God, and I shall pray for this, for someone to drive him to his appointments?

I don’t like him driving on his own, with him being so much in pain. So I am going to try to ask someone to help him to get to hospital, as I don’t want to bother Yam, as she is having her holiday and helping to settle in Samantha.

Today, I thank God for my DD sounding brighter, though still not right, I am grateful for my hearing, as I have a friend who is totally blind and he also has huge trouble with his hearing and it can’t be fixed. I can’t imagine how bad that is?

Life can be very cruel. Why should good people suffer such hell?

I believe in a God, but sometimes I do wonder about him? This week, I have been tested with my faith.

Though I will ask for help for my DD. Hub, teen and I love him and want so much for him to be well? He has had two years of hell. We feel so helpless being so far from him, but we really are grateful for his phone calls.

OK, the moral of this blog, if it has one,   as I always say, you never know what is around the corner?

Be grateful for your good health and don’t knock our NHS. I know when I had my big operation last year, I really was very cross with the NHS, and went private. Thanks to my family, I was able to take a loan from my American family and thanks to my very kind Husband who paid it back. Without this operation, my life now, would have been so very different. But for things like small operations or like for my ears today, they are the best in the world.

In the UK there are 0 hours contracts going on in employment. Some weeks, people don’t have even one hour work per week. McDonalds is listed to be one of the employers to do this.

Teen just came in. Oh God. Not good. More tomorrow. X


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