
Thursday 22 August 2013


Good afternoon to you all. My Son came in very late last night, he had worked till after ten. He was rather anxious as the night before his exam results. This morning he was up at the crack of dawn, out to school and Hub and I got up and sat in the kitchen, waiting for his return. Hub said it was like waiting for the dentist. Time went so slowly. What would he get, but more importantly, how would he react? He had to leave of course to go to Leeds festival with the girlfriend and her family. He was told ten they would pick him up. He had not even packed. As by now, it was after nine, he would not have time to spend with us. Oh my Lord. At last I heard his voice, talking to his girlfriend on the mobile. Out side of course. She was crying to him down the phone, as she did not get the results she wanted. Two hundred and sixty thousand pounds of education, all for a couple of A's, B's and C's. If I were her parents, I think I would be crying too. My Step daughter, has done amazing. She has got herself three A Stars, three A's, five B's and one C. But no money was spent on her, education, but her childhood was seriously interrupted by the constant pressure of the meaning of study. I tried so hard with teen but he just didn't want to learn or study, though towards the end of his studies, he put his foot down. We told him he could not pack it in last minute. he had to study for hours and at least six months before exams. But he knew best as every teen does. So he walked in the house, as low as I have ever seen him, and for the past eight months, he has been the unhappiest I have ever seen him in his life. Oh I felt so sorry for him. I wanted to hold him and tell him it would be OK. And I am sure it will he is the most intelligent person I know of that age, and even older. Just won't apply himself when it comes to sitting down with books. His teachers told him he was an A star student, if he would realise what he had to do to get to it. Sadly for teen, the realisation came too late for these exams. But for sure not too late for life. My boy received B's and C's. Without years of study and money, so if he applied himself, he would for sure be an A student. So he failed big time the two most important exams. English and Maths. But as we said, he can always take them again. He is acting like it is the end of life. Of course because of the latest stupid influences, he was sure he could pass everything and walk straight into a managers job. This is the rubbish he has been told. Well this is a lesson, for the poor kid. Not to believe what he is being told. I am proud of him, I know he will one day be proud of himself just may take time. Then after he shared his disappointment with us, he had to rush to get ready to go to the dreadful festival. I am absolutely worried sick about him. I know too he is going to a night club tonight. Again, he is sixteen and not allowed by law. Hub was distressed in the way the poor kid was rushing around trying to get ready as the gf was on the phone telling him to hurry as they were outside the door. Teen even had heart pains. He was in such a state to be ready for them, even though one, they were not due till ten and it was half nine. B, he has waited for his gf so many times one day almost two hours in the rain, as she chose her designer dresses to take away on her pompous debate weekend. We just wish he could wake up and smell the coffee. It was going to be a VIP ticket for the festival, with showers and the tents were already for them. Well, just like the Mother could get teen to be a maniger at the age of eighteen, the last I heard from teen was he had put up the tent, and there were no showers. Again some b.s going on. I spoke to him as when he left the house, Hub and I were really concerned, as he was almost crying. Poor thing. I feel so sad for him. No grand parents to ask how he did today, he has one aunt but she hasn't bothered to call and ask and I sent a message to my brother in law, to ask if he will message teen, for support, but nothing. Even his Father has not answered my messages asking him to contact teen, so I pray that Teens Dad will remember without me prompting him, and give him a call. He should be out with his mates tonight, not with a bunch of Hooray Henrys. He should be home to cry if he wants' to and feel loved and support from his family. I love that boy with every bone in my body. All I hope for is he will enjoy himself this week and will be allowed to see the bands he, wants' to see and won't be encouraged to drink though I am sure that is not possible to wish for that. So what will he do now? Well, I think A levels is out of the question for this year, but there is next year. In his youth, there are many years a head of him. He is a bright lad and has a good heart, just it has been blocked by poisonous blood. Blue blood. I saw him broke today for the first time in his life. I really don't know how to help him, other than believe in him and I so do. Once he get's over this stage in his life, this phase, he will grow to be a strong young man. I just hope his young head will not be filled with anymore crap, and come back to the real world. A world where by money can't always talk. He is obsessed by being rich. I told him today, money can't buy happiness or love, health or true friends. Love can buy warmth and shelter. A home and if my love for him would be measured in money, he already is a millionaire. I just pray, he will go back to the teen he once was. One who no one could influence and change him. I pray that he will continue education for the next year at least. I pray that he finds himself and knows how much I love him, as at the moment, he has built up a wall that I can not knock down. I also beg to our maker that he will be looked after over the next few days, as there are all sorts of horrors at places like where he is now. x

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