
Monday 5 August 2013


Just as I have got my sleep pattern right for the first time in years, I am sitting writing at two in the morning. I just can’t go to bed. I’m so upset about my Son. My ears are not too good. They hurt and I have a dreadful head ache. I know I am stressed this morning, but the discomfort has been all day.

Whilst both Beany and Arty are out of the country this week, so I am in for the next week until I go out with Hub. Next week, I am off to London with Hub, though by then, I hope all this embassy scare has ended? I really don’t think they should announce in our press about the closures you know. Then whoever is planning evil occurrences, will go elsewhere. They may have more chance being caught, if they were trapped?

I so wish the world had one religion/faith? But then what would it be? I would like a Fi faith… How about that one? Ha. Really though, if a new religion was brought, who would the terrorists call for then? Who would we go to fight in wars? I guess sadly, if there were no religion at all, man would still fight.

In church this Sunday, our minister spoke about showing God respect, rather than using his name for anger. A good point.

If not for religion, what or who, would we blame?

A peaceful perfect world would be so pleasant. Where children didn’t understand anger, hatred or fear.

Where Mothers knew where there children were and had no worries about that either. And where people knew where their next meal was coming from.

Where if ill, everyone across the world, had the same right to the best medical care, without payment. Go back to the bartering days, I can offer something, for six eggs…

Question is, what the heck could I offer?

Certainly not advice on teenagers. I mean, what is money? Paper and metal. Fabrics. Money is powerful, without having any live power inside it. !


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