
Sunday 4 August 2013


Good day to you all. I have been really busy for the past two days so I’m so sorry I have not been here as much. Yesterday we did all the normal things in our town as I already told you. I also said how good it will be to get my ear fixed that is tomorrow, for that. When I was waiting for Hub to get his hair cut, all the people’s voices, were so awful to understand. VIP’s will know what I mean, when I say this, when online you are trying to do one of those impossible codes, and you are offered an alternative as in audio version of the code, it  sounds so mixed up and almost impossible to actually understand what the heck you are supposed to write? Well, that is what the hair dressers was like. Loads of voices all muddled up.

 We got home after really battling through our town. I knocked someone’s suitcase over, well, who in this day in age would leave a suitcase standing on its own? I mean, they must have been close to the case, but it should have had someone’s hand on it to secure it.

Well it wasn’t very secure when I had finished with it! Hahahahahaha

The old me, would have stopped and struggled to find it to pick it up and profusely apologised to them, probably the wrong individual, ha, but to get the response back of a disgrumpled person? Naha, I don’t think so. I let them pick it up and walked on.

It’s like those A boards. You know the ones that advertise coffee shops and café’s ice cream shops and so on?

They stick out and our dogs are not good at avoiding them, let alone a cane? The amount of boards which I have apologised to for knocking into is no one’s business. I do get a little on the red side, when I realise I have said sorry to a board though, rather than a person!

Oh well, at least they can’t give me any cheek back?

Last night we went out with our neighbour and his wife. We had a lovely night, really comfortable and relaxed. They are a great couple and both Hub and I, really really enjoyed ourselves.

The taxi driver on the way home from the restaurant though, was a robot, I’m sure?

What a misery guts?

Personality of a Nat!

But our neighbours made up for it. They are fab.

Today, Hub played the piano at church. He was as wonderful as ever. I am always anxious when he plays, but he really gives me no reason to be.

Spoke with a sweet person there, called Sarah. She is a lady I wrote about last year. The sweetest person.

Wagga was great in church. LC fell asleep whilst Hub played.  She lay next to him and through a prayer; she decided to have a nightmare, hahahahaha. Thank God, Hub woke her up quietly, so hopefully, no one noticed; only I heard the squeaking from her.

Wagga worked really badly going and coming home. But at least we got back OK? Hub is going out later with the garden sheers to snip someone’s evil branch. They are a Chinese couple and are rather fiery, so let’s see if they come out to complain at him, tell you what? I would like to be a fly on the wall if they do?

Teen is doing teen things today. I have just come off the phone to my friend in Russia; she is coming in November, which will be lovely. So going to make plans now to have time with her.

Later with love. x

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