
Wednesday 22 March 2017


Good afternoon Bloggets. Today was a good one for my little lady in my bathroom scales. A whopping 1 and a quarter lbs off. And I know the reason why, and it’s not a good one.

I ate my big breakfast yesterday when I went out for my treat with my Son. Then some turnip for dinner, OK, I’m odd. Also, some raspberries. That was at five thirty and then I went to get my supper of cereal and was made to feel it was the wrong time wrong food to eat. So, I went to bed rather upset I felt as if back at boarding school. I know it’s the wrong time, but it’s not as much as toast as I used to have. Also, I had no dinner really or lunch. But because I starved, that is why I am less and that is the only time I see a result. I must say I didn’t wake up hungry but during the night as well as before sleep, I felt as if my stomach had been cut.

If I drink, I need to eat too, so hence I had no fluid so hence head ache and felt awful.

Today I have had too much, cottage cheese and some rice crackers, some nut biscuits and some noodles. So, for dinner, as little as I can. I can’t do a full salad, sick of it now, perhaps some celery, that will do me. Then I will try to not eat before bed again.

A friend and Blogget asked what was my goal weight? Heck, I can’t even have a goal. Right now, it’s just to loss a couple of lbs a week. I have miles to go and if I think of a goal, I will fail. A goal is for when I am way down the line.

When? Really? I am not saying if. That was interesting.

The next few days will be a challenge as my Son leaves the country to holiday. Stress makes me eat.

Hub working from home today. He has spent hours on the phone and on his computer filling in forms and sieving through job applications for another team. He did stop for lunch though. I made my boys lunch of spicy sausage pasta and for Hub I cooked him food for a sandwich. Sliced potatoes fried, mushrooms, tomatoes and bacon. I dipped a slice of bread in egg and fried that then took two slices of bread placed half of food on one slice, then put the egg bread on top then rest of food on top of that and then the last slice of bread. Real heart attack food or what? He’s having fish for dinner tonight…

It’s raining hard outside and it’s so cold. London has parts where it has closed down due to a terrorist attack. The bomber ended up dead. I wonder how their Mother will feel now? I pray that there are no others hurt.

Must dash, loads to do. Hope you are all well and safe. X

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