
Tuesday 7 March 2017


It’s really sunny out there, I should pop out but, I’m still waiting for the parcel from our Doxford weekend. If there is nothing delivered today, I shall phone them and ask if it got posted?

Feeling very sick. I have gorged two doorstops of cake. Shocking. I’m not really a cake person unless it’s homemade then, oh boy… Tie my hands behind my back.
And feed me. Smile.

On Facebook, today, it was suggested to me some groups I may wish to join. Well, here are just a few choices and perhaps you can help me to decide which ones I should add my name to?
People with foot drop
Total hip replacement forum
and Superman man of steel.
Em, I won’t be joining those groups, not today any way.
I do have a page feel free to join me on Facebook? My page is called Fiona Cummings. How original is that? Haha.

I was reading the news last night, well, more like quarter to four this morning after three nights in a row of no sleep. Seriously, perhaps an hour but interrupted. My thoughts are taking over me and dictating what little sleep I should have. I’m really stressing about a couple of things, one being somewhere I have to go and I really don’t know how I am going to get there and it’s important. I’m afraid to ask for help after the last time I asked when sadly people were too busy with their own lives, and why not? I know if it were a matter of life and death I could get someone, but as it’s not, I hate asking. The guilt I feel is too bad. I hope my Son will be off and will be able to take me?

Well the news I read said twin ladies of 97 both died on the same day as they slipped in their yard. How sad an yet beautiful is that? I mean, if you live close for that many years, how do you manage without the other?

Boy wonder is happy as it’s not long before he is off to Prague. Just another couple of weeks. I just hope that Shamrock will allow him to appreciate the culture of the place, rather than sleep shop and eat. It will be her first holiday away from her parents and I know Boy wonder will look after her, but the question is, who will look after BW? Haha.

My Son is proud that he has been asked to be promoted. They are fast tracking him for management but to be honest, where he works, it’s a long way to go until you earn a decent amount of money and have the responsibility that his brain requires. What he does now, most kids could do and trying to get him to attend night school, is like pulling out teeth. Not Hubs… Talking of Hub he is on a long shift at work today again, it took him an hour and twenty minutes to get home last night, so a long day, but I quite like the fact I have longer in the day to do stuff. I didn’t say I have done the stuff, but you know, they say it’s the thought that counts, right?

I guess that is my prompt to get motivated. Oh boy, dinner again, what to do tonight? Washing machine to empty, put in the dryer and iron then empty four vases of flowers, wash them out the vases, that is, and do the floors, there is also dusting that I should have done yesterday and the dreaded dog run.

What have I done today? I posted a poem I wrote for someone’s wedding this Saturday brushed a Wagging one, played with her and her toys and tidied up Teens lunch dishes, seriously, what I had for him wasn’t good enough so he made himself bacon and eggs with toast and it was like a murder scene in the kitchen, so all that is cleaned away, now I’m blooming started, our coffee machine cleans itself out by releasing water before and at the end of a cycle. The water falls into a tray. All I ask is for the jug a small chrome jug I have to be put under the tap? An easy request, right? It saves me having to take the machine apart and emptying it. Well, Boy Wonder hasn’t got to grips with that little helpful chore, so every day I have the coffee machine to do. Don’t get me started what he does with the coffee grinds?

Right until later Bloggets. Take care cos I care. X

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