
Friday 17 March 2017


Day 7
Will I, do it? Well firstly I can’t believe I have got to this day. I have lost a huge, hmm, not, 1 and a quarter lb. So, nothing really, but, I have not gained a single bit of weight. I haven’t exorcized and I feel better in myself, something that I have been able to do and stick to it. Okay, it’s only a week, in days, but heading in the right direction. The tortoise will get there in the end but the impatient butterfly won’t because they are too busy flittering from flower to flower. Thank you for all of your support and I really hope you can try with me I’m still going to do this let’s see how this weekend goes, I’m waiting for my friend and food will be involved so let’s see how I cope? I feel so pleased though and each night rather than feel a failure in life, I felt proud and that is worth the pain and it has been painful I’m not going to lie.

I will let you know more when my friend leaves for London. Some quotes before I go and if you have got over day one, wow, well done.
“A strong positive attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug.” ~Patricia Neal
“It is better to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a great leap forward only to stumble backward.” ~Old Chinese Proverb
“There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them.” ~Dr. Denis Waitley

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