
Monday 27 March 2017


Yesterday was a lovely day, we had a nice time sitting chatting to our neighbours. We arranged a meal out and ate my friend’s homemade cakes. One… hahaha. One blueberry muffin. Considering I thought I would stress eat with Boy Wonder being away, I didn’t I just didn’t eat salads, but apart from the naughty pizza I had on Friday, or was it Saturday? I didn’t eat bread all weekend. Or crisps and yesterday’s easy dinner, I made baked potatoes. Hub had chees on his but I had butter, again, bad, but at one time, I could eat two baked potatoes. Yesterday, three quarters of one. And what I have found too, I didn’t enjoy it. Really strange. When people say life changing eating, I used to think why would anyone want to change their life to eating only awful food and giving up food you love? But from my view now, it’s as if my taste buds have changed which is great, not losing loads of weight, but feel so much better, less sluggish, much more energy and feel positive that though very slowly, I will lose weight. Now I may be sitting here in a month saying I have fallen off the waggon, but I feel sure that I will still be driving that truck and safely towards a longer life. I hope.

Boy Wonder came in last night all happy, but because he said he wasn’t coming straight home, he was going to Shamrocks first, I didn’t wait up. I thought it was a bit silly as he had work at six this morning, but can’t tell him anything.

He actually came home at half twelve. And up at half five. So not as bad as I thought. Hub was sad he wanted to see him as he has missed him. At least he had a great time in Prague.

I dropped my lap top yesterday on the floor tiles. Thank goodness, it’s still working, whether there is a screen, not sure will have to ask our boy. But sadly, the corner is chipped off. So, it’s really sharp. I felt so bad as Hub bought it for me only just over a year ago, and it cost a fortune. I must take more care.

Reading some fashion articles today, well, you know, one has to keep up to date? Hahaha. It’s written that embellished heals are the way to go for us girls… also pale coloured handbags and statement earrings.

Well I can do the hand bags, though I don’t have a canary yellow one. My peach/nude Ted Baker bag is as close as I will get to being in fashion… Statement earrings? In the eighties, yes, not now, I don’t think they look good on someone huge, in their forties with long hair… thirties spelt
thin and short hair, yes. Heals? What are they? Not when you walk like a new born foal. Gosh to think I used to walk the cat walk smile. The closest as I will get to that now is to trip over the cat.
My little Wagga is so very quiet today, she is in her bed and has been all morning. I will wake her up soon and take her out for some fresh air, sorry, some air. There is no such thing as fresh air around here.

Later I have a man coming and I will talk to him about knocking a wall out… Oh yes, let the start of the blind designer begin.

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