
Tuesday 28 March 2017


Good evening Bloggets. Just had dinner. Four of us had a chat around the dinner table and now Boy Wonder has gone with Shamrock to take Waggatail for a walk. I pray he doesn’t let her in the river, as every time he takes her she heads that way and he seems to lack in control when it comes to not laughing in hysterics as Waggs gets wet and her normal walking becomes a wild chase after poor Sham. Last time was so funny, our boy said he couldn’t move for laughing as Waggatail ran after Shamrock as she weaved in and out to try to avoid the wagging one, only to fail as she caught her and shook her mud all over Sham. BW said it was like a magnet as Waggs was on a mission. The target was Shamrock. LF is at home with us, BW wanted to take him, but one thinks one can’t deal with cleaning two dogs especially as it’s almost dark, well it will be when they get home as it’s half six now. Although it makes no difference to us dark or not, what comes with the dark, comes the cold.

LF isn’t bothered he has his Kong with a treat he is busy wrestling on my rug. All the wood floor and like when they are sick, it has to be on a rug. So some kind of awful liver treat is kissing our rug with a wet substance from the Little Fella.

The family had tonight chicken pie, new potatoes with herbs, carrots and stuffed garlic mushrooms. I had salad. I left a third of it, I’m not doing well with salads right now, I have had about five days off them thinking all will be well now… Nope. Not. But I am full.

What is worth reporting in our news today?
Our new twelve-sided pound coin went into circulation today. I’m scared to get my hands on one because I fear it will be like child’s play money. I love our coin as it is heavy and quality, but they are easy to copy, but how much it will cost businesses to make the change, if you pardon the pun?

Palaeontologists in Australia have discovered the biggest dinosaur footprints, 1.7 metres long, long enough for an adult to lay down in. Imagine having feet that big? No fashionable shoes being bought by those dinosaur’s?

A 25-year-old has been misdiagnosed with his bowel cancer, eight times as constipation because Drs believed he was too young to have the disease

A man is outraged in the UK because he went to his very busy pub and a woman after drinking two large glasses of wine, started to breast feed her new born baby. In the middle of a busy pub. Disgusting, the baby will be as the man said drinking 14%
Pinot Grigio

Nighty night Bloggets. X

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